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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 9 2019-04-01
摘要: 通過多主體建模的方法,結(jié)合行為博弈中的經(jīng)驗加權(quán)吸引學(xué)習(xí)模型,研究個體在面臨環(huán)境變化時的慣例執(zhí)行策略選擇。研究表明,個體傾向于維持現(xiàn)有的行為,這使得組織慣例表現(xiàn)出慣性特征;組織慣例與環(huán)境的潛在偏離程度增加會促使行為變化的產(chǎn)生,但這種變化行為又包含了漸進式改變現(xiàn)有慣例和慣例變革兩種形式,且后者的發(fā)展進程更快;如果組織慣例的執(zhí)行行為與持續(xù)變化的環(huán)境具有嚴重的潛在偏離性,但偏離發(fā)展的進程緩慢,這種情況將導(dǎo)致組織內(nèi)某些時期出現(xiàn)突然性的慣例變革,且漸進式改變現(xiàn)有慣例的進程不再出現(xiàn)。
This study investigates the individual strategy selection when individuals faced with environmental change by multi-agent modeling combined the experience-weighted attraction algorithm. We find that individuals tend to maintain their current behavior, which makes the organizations present inertia characteristic. Potential deviation degree of organizational routines from external environment promotes emerge of behavior changes, but these changes include gradual change and break-through change of existing routines, and the latter has quicker progress. If the execution behaviors of organizational routines have a serious potential deviation from constantly changing the environment, but the deviation progress is slow, this situation will lead to the drastic break-through change in the organizational routine system and gradual change doesn't appear.

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