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管理學報 頁數(shù): 9 2019-04-01
摘要: 由于管理實踐本在地具有價值,自然科學主義和人文主義范式在解釋管理行為的價值本性所形成的管理學知識方面存在自身難以避免的困境,而管理行為的價值本性內(nèi)在必然地要求建立基于情感和意志的管理學研究新范式——價值管理。為此,依據(jù)質(zhì)料倫理學的相關理論,在詮釋管理實踐行為價值本性的基礎上,基于科學界定的解讀來分析這種新范式成立的可能性。
Management practice behavior was of value originally. The explanation of the value nature of practice behavior and thus the formation of knowledge in the management field was difficult to avoid predicament by Natural Scientism and Humanism. Meanwhile. Therefore, a course of Emotion Management or Will Management was inevitably required because of intrinsic value nature of management behavior. By virtue of the related theory of material ethics, the interpretation of the value nature of management practice was demonstrated and the possibility of the new paradigm was established, based on the interpretation of the nature of science itself.

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