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管理學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 6 2019-04-01
摘要: 從心態(tài)這一概念出發(fā),借鑒美國管理研究曾經(jīng)歷的教訓(xùn),探討中國管理學(xué)界心態(tài)變化的原因、存在的問題、可能存在的盲區(qū)。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),美蘇對抗的冷戰(zhàn)時期和美日貿(mào)易摩擦?xí)r期,美國社會的心態(tài)對當(dāng)時的管理研究產(chǎn)生了顯著影響,使得這兩個時期的管理研究都存在著一定的偏頗。中國管理學(xué)者要對這些歷史教訓(xùn)保持警醒,在對當(dāng)前中國管理實踐和古代文本進(jìn)行管理維度的闡釋時,要保持"平常心"。中國管理研究要避免被一時的心態(tài)、情緒或時尚所裹挾,避免短平快,即需要"正心誠意""立志用功""格物致知",最終才能"其命維新"。
Starting from the concept of mentality, this study drawn on the lessons that have emerged from American management research, and discusses the causes, existing problems, and possible blind spots of mentality change in Chinese management circles. The study found that the American society's mentality during the Cold War period of the US-Soviet confrontation and the US-Japan trade friction had a significant impact on the management research at that time, which made the management research in these two periods had a certain bias. Therefore, Chinese management scholars should be vigilant about these historical lessons, and maintain a "normal heart" when interpreting the current Chinese management practices and the management dimension of ancient texts. The study believes that Chinese management research should avoid being surrounded by a temporary mentality, mood or fashion, avoid short-term and quick research, and do a good job of research, that is, it needs "sincere and sincerity", "dedication to work", " knowledge through quality", and ultimately "vitalisation".

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