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外國經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理 頁數(shù): 14 2019-03-20
摘要: 本文在對管理研究進(jìn)行元理論省視的基礎(chǔ)上,借鑒道家管理哲學(xué)智慧,系統(tǒng)分析張瑞敏在海爾的管理創(chuàng)新實(shí)踐,與西方管理理論和哲學(xué)思維對話,建構(gòu)了張瑞敏的水式管理哲學(xué)及其理論體系。該理論是由本體論、認(rèn)識論和方法論構(gòu)成的管理哲學(xué)體系,其核心范疇分別是"上善若水"、"大制不割"和"變易、不易、簡易"。圍繞其方法論形成動態(tài)變革力、共演自驅(qū)力和整合轉(zhuǎn)化力三種組織能力,分別對應(yīng)靈動與無界、自由與開放、連接與系統(tǒng)三類管理思維。在海爾管理實(shí)踐中,張瑞敏的水式管理哲學(xué)貫穿于戰(zhàn)略變革、組織結(jié)構(gòu)、員工管理、商業(yè)模式和心智模式等各個層面,是海爾"人單合一"管理體系得以成功運(yùn)行的哲學(xué)基礎(chǔ)和主導(dǎo)邏輯。本文是在思維方式層面對西方管理哲學(xué)的突破性創(chuàng)新,對中國管理哲學(xué)的延續(xù)性發(fā)展和對中國本土管理理論的融合性創(chuàng)新,有助于提升本土管理研究的實(shí)踐效力,對物聯(lián)網(wǎng)時代的企業(yè)改善經(jīng)營管理水平具有重要指導(dǎo)價值。
Changes in the Internet of Things era bring major opportunities and challenges to Chinese local management research and enterprise practice. Based on the meta-theoretical view of management research, this paper emphasizes on the wisdom of Taoist management philosophy,systematically analyzes Ruimin Zhang's management innovation practice in Haier, dialogues with Western management theory and philosophizing, and constructs Ruimin Zhang's water management philosophy and its theoretical system. The theory is a system of management philosophy consisting of ontology, epistemology and methodology, and its core categories are "loftiness as water", "system is uncut" and "change, constant, simple". Focusing on its methodology, it forms three organizational abilities: dynamic transformation ability, coevolution self-drive ability, integrated transformation ability,which correspond to three types of management thinking: "agility and unboundedness", "freedom and openness", "connection and system". During the period of Haier's management practice, Ruimin Zhang's water management philosophy runs through various layers of strategic changes, organizational structures, employee management, business models and mental models. It's the philosophical foundation and main logic for the success of Haier's "Rendanheyi" management system. This paper is a breakthrough innovation in Western management philosophy at the level of thinking, the continuous development of Chinese management philosophy and the integrated innovation of Chinese local management theory. which helps to enhance the practical effectiveness of local management researches.This paper has important guiding value of improving the business management level of enterprises in the Internet of Things era.

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