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商業(yè)經(jīng)濟與管理 頁數(shù): 11 2019-03-15
摘要: 近些年來社會階層分割及社會階層固化的不斷加劇促進了社會階層研究的新發(fā)展。組織中社會階層差異的普遍存在也使得組織管理學(xué)者開始關(guān)注社會階層在組織中扮演的重要角色。不過目前相關(guān)研究還較少并且比較零散,阻礙了組織內(nèi)社會階層研究的深入推進。文章系統(tǒng)梳理了組織內(nèi)社會階層研究文獻,在對組織內(nèi)社會階層內(nèi)涵及相關(guān)概念厘清的基礎(chǔ)上,闡釋了組織情境中社會階層對個體自我態(tài)度與行為、對他人認知與評價以及階層出身印刻效應(yīng)機制的影響,剖析組織中基于社會階層的互動與階層工作,并基于上述分析探討組織與個體雙重視角下的社會階層的管理影響,最后提出了組織內(nèi)社會階層影響研究的未來方向。期望借以促進組織內(nèi)社會階層影響的理論研究,同時對階層分割突出背景下的當前組織管理實踐有所借鑒。
The aggravation of social class segmentation and solidification in recent years leads to the development of social class research. Moreover, due to the ubiquitous existence of social class differences within organizations, management researchers turn their attention to the vital roles of social class within organizations. However, relevant study is still scarce and scattered, which hampers the further development of social class exploration within organizations. Based on the introduction of the conception about social class in organization and its' distinction with other related conceptions, the present study elucidates the effects of social class in organization, involving its influencing on individual attitude and behavior, on others' cognition and evaluation, as well as imprinting the effect mechanism of childhood social class background. Then the interaction based on social class in organization and class work is discussed. Integrating the above analysis, the current research puts forward the management strategies about social class influences in view of organization and individual. At last, the future research directions of social class in organizations are proposed, which may advance the theoretical study on social class within organizations and provide implications for management practices.

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