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軟科學(xué) 頁數(shù): 7 2019-03-15
摘要: 首先對管理效應(yīng)的概念與內(nèi)涵進(jìn)行了分析與界定,依據(jù)系統(tǒng)管理理論構(gòu)建了管理效應(yīng)的TPOME五核心要素及其具體要素。其次,提出一種可視化的"時間—要素—狀態(tài)"管理效應(yīng)機(jī)理路徑建模方法,將管理效應(yīng)演化軌跡映射到三維坐標(biāo)系中,形成管理效應(yīng)機(jī)理路徑的可視化模型。最后,以10個管理效應(yīng)為研究對象,對管理效應(yīng)的一般性機(jī)理進(jìn)行多種維度視角的深入探討,揭示了管理效應(yīng)的本質(zhì)。
This paper analyzes and defines the concept and connotation of the management effect. And then, it establishes the framework of five-core elements and their specific elements. Once more, it proposes a visual modeling method to analyze management effect mechanism. Finally, it analyzes the general mechanism of management effects in various dimensions based on 10 management effects, which reveals the mechanism of management effect.

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