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管理評論 頁數(shù): 15 2019-03-31
摘要: 權(quán)力距離強調(diào)個體對組織中權(quán)力分配不平等的接受程度。隨著經(jīng)濟全球化和我國市場經(jīng)濟的迅猛發(fā)展,這一研究主題的作用日益凸顯,理論界對權(quán)力距離的研究也越來越多,但相關(guān)研究議題仍存在許多不足與爭議,亟待學(xué)者們探討解決。本文在文獻回顧的基礎(chǔ)上,對權(quán)力距離的概念內(nèi)涵、測量維度、影響因素和影響結(jié)果進行了詳細的梳理和評述,探討了現(xiàn)有研究的作用機制和理論解釋,并對未來研究進行了深入而具體的展望與討論。
Power distance defined as the extent to which a society accepts the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. With the deepening of economic globalization and the rapid development of China's market economy,related researches have gradually increased in the theoretical academic circles,but many questions,shortages and arguments still exist and need to be discussed. Based on a literature research,this paper systematically sorts out and integrates the research findings of power distance with regard to origins and concepts,structure and measurement,influencing factors and outcome variables.Furthermore,it explores the mediators/moderators and theoretical basis of existing researches,and points out future directions in power distance.

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