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檔案與建設(shè) 頁(yè)數(shù): 4 2019-03-20
摘要: 近年來(lái),古代公文文種流變受到了眾多學(xué)者的關(guān)注,但圍繞近代以來(lái)的公文文種流變展開(kāi)的研究則相對(duì)較少。從晚清時(shí)期、太平天國(guó)時(shí)期、北洋軍閥時(shí)期、中華民國(guó)時(shí)期到新中國(guó)成立以來(lái),公文文種既有直接或間接繼承前代者,又有為適應(yīng)社會(huì)需要而新增者。全面、系統(tǒng)地考察近代以來(lái)公文文種的流變過(guò)程及其規(guī)律,可以維護(hù)公文文種的合法性和權(quán)威性,促進(jìn)公文學(xué)科的發(fā)展,從而提升黨政機(jī)關(guān)公文處理工作水平和行政效能。
In recent years, great achievements have been made in the research on the evolution of ancient official documentary types, but the research about the evolution of official documentary types of modern times is relatively weak. From Late Qing Dynasty, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Beiyang Warlords and the founding of the People's Republic of China, official documentary types not only directly or indirectly inherited the previous types, but also added new types to meet the social needs.A comprehensive and systematic research of the evolution process and laws of official documentary types since modern times can safeguard the legitimacy and authority of official documentary types,promote the development of the discipline of official documents, so as to promote the level of official document processing and administrative efficiency of Party and government organs.

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