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情報(bào)雜志 頁數(shù): 6 2018-12-27 08:29
摘要: [目的/意義]高端教育智庫的咨政失靈往往導(dǎo)致重大決策偏差和造成難以挽回的失誤,既弱化了政府公信力,又降低了高端教育智庫自身的權(quán)威性和影響力。因此研究高端教育智庫咨政失靈的成因與預(yù)防策略意義重大。[方法/過程]采用比較研究和文獻(xiàn)分析法對高端教育智庫咨政失靈進(jìn)行剖析,所謂咨政失靈主要指高端教育智庫因受到科學(xué)局限性、自身局限性或者某些利益集團(tuán)影響,不能基于證據(jù)或者偏離了客觀無偏的科學(xué)立場,從而供給沒有充分科學(xué)基礎(chǔ)或有偏向的咨政建言,不僅降低自身權(quán)威和公信力,而且損害了教育公共利益。[結(jié)果/結(jié)論]基于科學(xué)局限性導(dǎo)致的高端教育智庫的咨政失靈的預(yù)防策略主要包括同行評議策略、擴(kuò)大參與策略、媒體監(jiān)督策略和建立信用約束機(jī)制等。
[Purpose/Significance]Consultative failures in high-end educational think tanks often lead to major policy deviations and irreparable failures, which not only weaken the credibility of the government, but also reduce the authority and influence of themselves. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the causes and preventive strategies of their failures.[Method/Process]In this paper, comparative study and literature analysis are used to analyze the consultative failure of high-end education think tanks. The Policy Report Failure of a new high-end education think tank means that the consulting results and advices are not based on evidence or there is a deviation from an objective and unbiased scientific stand due to the limitations of science, the capability of the think tank or the captive of certain interest groups. The think tanks can only offer policy advices based on an insufficient scientific foundation or biased consultations that not only reduce their own authority and credibility but also undermine the public interests in education.[Result/Conclusion]Based on the limitations of science, the preventive strategies of new high-end educational think tanks mainly include peer review, expanded participation, media supervision and establishment of credit constraint mechanism.

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