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圖書館論壇 頁數(shù): 7 2018-09-25 16:07
摘要: 根據(jù)《關(guān)于加強(qiáng)中國特色新型智庫建設(shè)的意見》提出的時間表——到2020年實現(xiàn)總體目標(biāo),2013年以來的五年屬于中國特色新型智庫建設(shè)的"上半場",未來三年屬于"下半場"。"上半場"成果豐碩,截至2017年底有九大類604家智庫,分布于50多個戰(zhàn)略和政策領(lǐng)域;智庫的制度建設(shè)和運(yùn)營管理探索出不少經(jīng)驗,涌現(xiàn)出很多可圈可點的案例。目前各界對新型智庫建設(shè)的深遠(yuǎn)意義認(rèn)識得更加清晰,包括:新型智庫建設(shè)成為推動國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化的重要抓手和重要路徑;新型智庫建設(shè)繼承了儒家"學(xué)為政本"傳統(tǒng),促進(jìn)了國家治理的科學(xué)理性和專業(yè)理性;新型智庫建設(shè)本質(zhì)是開放言路,建立制度化的"政-知""政-產(chǎn)""政-媒""政-社"意見交通渠道,調(diào)動各行業(yè)知識精英參與國家治理的積極性;新型智庫建設(shè)促進(jìn)了有利于開展政策辯論的理性"第二公共政策空間"。"下半場"面臨五大挑戰(zhàn):智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)集中度和產(chǎn)業(yè)集群性很低,"散""弱""小"局面并未發(fā)生根本改變;新型智庫建設(shè)未能突破"三明治陷阱";研究咨詢業(yè)務(wù)過于集中政策過程的前端,業(yè)務(wù)模式頭重腳輕;智庫和政府內(nèi)部研究機(jī)構(gòu)是"兩張皮",供給與需求之間的信息不對稱難以消除;智庫成果認(rèn)定與激勵的指揮棒設(shè)計不合理。新型智庫體系建設(shè)要解決智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)的集中度和集群性問題,實體化和法人化是解決體制機(jī)制創(chuàng)新、克服"三明治陷阱"的重要途徑,業(yè)務(wù)重心下移和后置是解決智庫浮于表面注重形式傳播問題的重要思路,而推行"嵌入式?jīng)Q策咨詢服務(wù)模式"是解決政策研究與對策研究銜接、發(fā)揮"內(nèi)腦"和"外腦"協(xié)同研究效應(yīng)的重要選擇,智庫成果認(rèn)定與激勵措施的調(diào)整則始終是最重要的保障。
This article is the general preface to "Think Tank Series of Nanjing University",written by Professor Li Gang. According to the timetable put forward in the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics,the five years since 2013 is the first half of the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics,and the next three years after 2018 will be the second half. The first half has yielded fruitful results. By the end of 2017,there had been nine categories of totally 604 think tanks,distributed in more than 50 strategic and policy areas;the system construction and operation management of think tanks have explored a lot of experience and many cases that deserves being cited have emerged. At present,people from all fields of society have a clearer understanding of the far-reaching significance of the construction of new think tanks:The construction of new think tanks has become an important way to promote the modernization of our national governance system and capacity; the construction of new think tanks has inherited the Confucian tradition of" learning for politics", and promoted the scientific and professional rationality of national governance; the essence of the construction of new think tanks is to open the way of expression, to establish institutionalized channels of exchanging opinions of "government-knowledge"",government-property"",government-media"and"government-society",and to encourage the enthusiasm of the intellectual elites from all walks of life to participate in national governance;the construction of new think tanks promotes the rational"second public policy space"which is conducive to policy debate. The second half of the new think tank construction is facing five challenges:the low concentration and industrial cluster of the think tank industry is still "scattered","weak"and "small";the new think tank construction has not effectively broken through the"sandwich trap"of the system;the research and consulting business of think tanks is too centralized in the front end of the policy process,which makes the business model become top-heavy;think tanks and research institutes within the government are"two skins",and the information asymmetry between supply and demand cannot be eliminated; the design of the baton for identifying and motivating the results of think tanks is unreasonable. In order to solve the problem of concentration and clustering of the think tank industry, the new think tank system has to be built. Substantialization and legalization are the two important ways to improve institutional innovation and overcome the"sandwich trap". The downward shift and postposition of business focus is an important way to solve the problem that think tanks pay too much attention to the form of communication on the surface. The implementation of "embedded decision consulting service mode" is an important measure to improve the cohesion between policy research and countermeasure research as well as the collaborative effect between internal brain and outside brainpower. Adjusting the identification of think tanks and incentive measures is most important to the construction of new think tank.

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