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經(jīng)濟(jì)管理 頁數(shù): 18 2019-01-15
摘要: 群體斷裂帶是團(tuán)隊(duì)非正式組織的重要驅(qū)動(dòng)力,而斷裂帶的測度方法作為該領(lǐng)域研究的重要基礎(chǔ),有助于揭示企業(yè)中的團(tuán)隊(duì)結(jié)構(gòu)和團(tuán)隊(duì)行為。關(guān)于群體斷裂帶測度方法的研究主要集中在指標(biāo)開發(fā)層面,鮮有研究關(guān)注不同斷裂帶測度方法的分類比較。基于此,本文首先系統(tǒng)梳理了群體斷裂帶測度方法及其應(yīng)用研究方面的進(jìn)展;進(jìn)而,從數(shù)據(jù)處理、子組結(jié)構(gòu)及精確度檢驗(yàn)三個(gè)方面對Fau、Subgroup Strength、FLS、PMD_(cat)、Fau×D_e、F_k、LCCA、和ASW等八種斷裂帶測度方法進(jìn)行綜合比較,并用實(shí)證數(shù)據(jù)加以驗(yàn)證;最后,從群體斷裂帶測度方法的改進(jìn)及應(yīng)用方面進(jìn)行展望。本文為未來相關(guān)領(lǐng)域?qū)W者提供群體斷裂帶測度方法的依據(jù),有助于深化斷裂帶測度方法的應(yīng)用研究,對斷裂帶領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的理論研究和實(shí)踐發(fā)展能起到重要的橋接作用。
The group faultline is an important driving force of team informal organization,as an important breakthrough in this field,the measurement method of faultline is helpful to reveal team structure and team behavior in enterprises.The research on the measurement method of group faultline mainly focuses on the level of index development,few studies have paid attention to the classification comparison.International scholars pay great attention to the research field of group fault zones,mainly focusing on the development of indicators.The reason why new measurement methods are constantly proposed is that some of the methods previously proposed are limited in the scope of use,which is insufficient to reflect the true connotation of group fault zones and hinders the progress of current research.Although some domestic scholars have begun to pay attention to this field,due to the limitations of measurement methods,it has certain technical content and difficulty,which hinders further in-depth research.Therefore,to enter this field,the conquest of method measurement is the first step.Based on the literature review,our study firstly systematizes the measurement method of group faultline and its application.Secondly,compare the advantages and disadvantages of eight group faultline measurement methods from data processing,subgroup structure and accuracy testing,and then prove it empirically,the eight methods are:Fau、Subgroup Strength、FLS、PMD_(cat)、Fau×D_e、F_k、LCCA and ASW.Finally,the improvement and application of measurement method of group faultline are discussed.In the classification of the fault zone measure fitting,we will be calculated data availability,whether of numeric variables,can handle both continuous variables and classification,can identify two or more subgroups,can determine the number of subgroups,whether can reveal subgroups subordinate relations,keen awareness population changes affect the degree of fracture,whether the data have better tolerance,whether can be adjusted to test the result of the fault zone measured.The order of the nine indicators was disordered,and the meaning of each indicator was marked.The experts,professors,doctoral students and postgraduates in this field were asked to summarize and classify by questionnaires,and the classification results were consistent with this paper.The results of empirical data verification show that before selecting the appropriate method,researchers should first determine whether the number of fractured subgroups is greater than 2,and whether the demographic attribute variables are continuous(age,tenure) or categorical(gender,race).Secondly,whether the subgroup structure can be identified,such as the specific determination of member membership and the corresponding number of subgroups,finally,the performance of the method in the accuracy test is investigated.If the population is small,it is unlikely to have more than two subgroups,and the attribute contains both continuous variables and classification variables,then researchers can choose between Fau,Fau×D_e,Subgroup Strength,F_k and ASW methods.If the data has the potential for more than two groups of people,researchers also need to focus on the number and structure of subgroups.If this information is not needed and all attributes are categorized,FLS and PMD_(cat) metrics are available.If it is required to identify two or more subgroups,process continuous and classified variables at the same time,reveal subgroup structure and require high accuracy test of the method,then only the ASW index can meet the above conditions simultaneously.Therefore,scholars can choose the appropriate fault zone measurement method according to the research needs and conditions.Generally speaking,our study provides a basis for the methods of group faultline,it is helpful to deepen the application research of faultline measurement methods.It can play an important bridging role in the theoretical research and practical development of group faultline.This paper is helpful for further research on the application type of group-fault zone in China.The future research can be prospected from three aspects:population fault zone measurement method,population fault zone research field and sample acquisition of population fault zone.In terms of fault zone measurement methods,existing methods can be further optimized or new measurement indexes can be developed by using new technologies.In the field of fault zone research,we can start from the micro organizational level and macro corporate governance level and focus on the fault zone of mixed ownership enterprises.In the aspect of fault zone sample acquisition,large sample data can be collected or acquired in the form of experiments by means of cross-disciplines.

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