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山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 12 2019-01-25
摘要: 相比于西方契約式的關(guān)系治理,中國(guó)式的隱性關(guān)系規(guī)范是否有利于組織間關(guān)系質(zhì)量的提升呢?采用多元回歸分析方法,探索中國(guó)式關(guān)系規(guī)范、關(guān)系取向?qū)M織間關(guān)系質(zhì)量的影響。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),中國(guó)式的關(guān)系規(guī)范與關(guān)系取向?qū)τ陉P(guān)系質(zhì)量具有正向促進(jìn)作用。在不同嵌入關(guān)系情境下,工具型關(guān)系取向與情感型關(guān)系取向?qū)﹃P(guān)系質(zhì)量起到不同的調(diào)節(jié)作用。這說(shuō)明,不同于西方的二元對(duì)立思維,中國(guó)式的關(guān)系規(guī)范需要根據(jù)"義、利、情"權(quán)變處理。研究結(jié)論對(duì)于中國(guó)式的關(guān)系治理具有理論和現(xiàn)實(shí)價(jià)值。
Comparing with the governance by contractual relationship in Western countries, we intended to find out whether implicit relationships in China were more conductive to promote the quality of inter-organizational relations. This study used multiple regression analysis methods to explore the impact of Chinese-style relationship norms and relationship orientations on the quality of inter-organizational relationships. The research finds that Chinese-style relationship norms and relationship orientations have a positive effect on the quality of relationships. In the context of different embedded relationships, instrumental relation and emotional relation separately affects relationship quality in varying degrees. The research shows that Chinese-style relationship norms need a contingency processing according to "righteousness, interest and personal consideration", which totally differs from western two-dollar antagonistic thinking. The research has both theoretical and practical value for revealing Chinese-style relationship governance.

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