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中國人力資源開發(fā) 頁數(shù): 13 2019-01-10
摘要: 以83名企事業(yè)單位員工為被試,通過經(jīng)驗(yàn)取樣法的周日志問卷調(diào)查,探討員工每周所遭受的上司辱虐管理與同事不文明行為對(duì)員工情緒失調(diào)的影響,并考察員工自我控制與組織認(rèn)同的調(diào)節(jié)效應(yīng)。結(jié)果表明:每周的同事不文明行為對(duì)員工情緒失調(diào)具有顯著正向影響;員工組織認(rèn)同會(huì)顯著削弱每周的上司辱虐管理與員工情緒失調(diào)的正向關(guān)系;而員工組織認(rèn)同會(huì)顯著增強(qiáng)每周的同事不文明行為與員工情緒失調(diào)的正向關(guān)系。
Using empirical sampling survey method with weekly data from 83 employees of enterprises and institutions, this study explored the effects of weekly supervision abusive and coworker incivility on weekly emotional dissonance. This study also put forward a cross-level model to investigate the moderating effects of individual self-control capability and organizational identification. The results showed that weekly coworker incivility has a significant positive effect on weekly emotional dissonance; individual organizational identification would significantly weaken the positive relationship between weekly supervision abusive and weekly emotional dissonance; individual organizational identification would significantly strengthen the positive relationship between weekly coworker incivility and weekly employees' emotional dissonance.

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