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中國人力資源開發(fā) 頁數(shù): 9 2019-01-10
摘要: 經(jīng)驗取樣法(Experience Sampling Method, ESM)是一種研究人們?nèi)粘I钪行袨椤⒏惺芎退伎嫉难芯糠椒?。一方?數(shù)據(jù)收集的即時性、生態(tài)有效性等獨特優(yōu)勢促使經(jīng)驗取樣法一經(jīng)提出就受到了學術界廣泛關注;另一方面,信息記錄和獲取技術以及數(shù)據(jù)分析和處理技術的進步也促進了經(jīng)驗取樣法的發(fā)展、普及和推廣。本文通過梳理經(jīng)驗研究起源及發(fā)展過程,揭示經(jīng)驗取樣法本質(zhì)特征,解釋經(jīng)驗取樣法的適用性,歸納總結經(jīng)驗取樣法研究問題類型,最后探討經(jīng)驗取樣法的有效性和可靠性,以期促進國內(nèi)研究者對該方法本質(zhì)特征、應用范圍、以及方法有效性的理解,并對這一方法在國內(nèi)相關領域的應用和發(fā)展前景進行展望。
Experience sampling method is a research method to study behavior, feelings and thoughts in daily life. On the one hand, the special advantages such as the immediacy of data collection and the unique advantages of ecological validity prompt the experience sampling method to receive extensive attention from the academic community once it is proposed; on the other hand, information record and access to technology as well as the progress of the data analysis and processing technology also contribute to the development, popularization, and promotion of the experience sampling method. Our paper reveals the essential characteristics of empirical sampling method by analyzing the origin and development process of empirical research, explains the applicability of empirical sampling method, summarizes the types of research questions of empirical sampling method, and finally discusses the effectiveness and reliability of empirical sampling method.

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