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四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 頁數(shù): 7 2019-01-20
摘要: 建立和發(fā)展新型智庫體系是現(xiàn)代國家決策科學化和民主化的重要手段和保證。四川省智庫建設在機構(gòu)、人才隊伍、課題研究、咨詢服務等方面存在行政依附性強,功能定位不清,研究生、具有高級職稱的人才相對較少,機構(gòu)間缺乏有效溝通,成果轉(zhuǎn)化率低等問題。四川省應當加強智庫的獨立性和開放性,建立開放合作的新型智庫體系,打造具有特色和影響力的新型智庫,多重舉措籌集智庫建設經(jīng)費,實行靈活的人才進出機制,建立高端人才儲備庫,完善成果報送和發(fā)布機制,建立智庫的合作與交流機制,以此提升四川省智庫的綜合水平。
Developing a new think-tank system is an important means of ensuring modern national decision-making to be more scientific and democratic.By adopting a questionnaire survey,this paper investigates the institution,talent team,research,advisory services and other aspects concerning the construction of think tanks in Sichuan Province,and points out that Sichuan province should strengthen the construction of think-tanks byimproving their independence and openness,and establish a new opening-up and cooperative think-tank system.Multiple measures should be taken to raise funds to build new important think tanks of unique characteristics.A more flexible mechanism should be in place to ensure a high-level talent pool while allowing the flow of personnel,to collect and release research results,and to facilitate cooperation and communication within and between think tanks.All these measures aim at upgrading the overall level of think tanks in Sichuan province.

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