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中國科學(xué)院院刊 頁數(shù): 11 2018-10-20
摘要: 智庫是國家決策咨詢系統(tǒng)和體系的重要組成部分,對其本身理論和方法的研究有助于提高智庫研究的水平,拓展關(guān)注問題的范圍,并有效發(fā)揮其作用和職能。文章以智庫研究為考察對象,從理論層面思考智庫更為普遍的作用和特征,智庫研究應(yīng)該遵循的原則和邏輯體系,開展智庫研究的環(huán)節(jié)和方法,智庫成果的評價標(biāo)準(zhǔn)等重要問題,從而形成關(guān)于智庫研究邏輯體系的系統(tǒng)思考。
As an important part of the national decision-making consulting system, theoretical and methodological think-tank research could contribute to improve the level of think tank research, expand the scope of the questions concerned, and effectively exert its role and functions. This paper views think tank research as the object of investigation, and reflects theoretically on the more general role and characteristics, the principles and logic system, the process and methods, and the evaluation criteria of think tank products, which forms a systematic thinking of the logical system of think tank research.

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