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外國經(jīng)濟與管理 頁數(shù): 25 2018-12-20
摘要: 如何整合教學(xué)與研究是學(xué)界的一個關(guān)鍵議題,但目前卻鮮有學(xué)者探討。在西方,教學(xué)與理論研究往往是同床異夢,而在東方,學(xué)者依循教學(xué)和研究"合一"的傳統(tǒng)哲學(xué)理念。尊崇儒家傳統(tǒng)的中國學(xué)者并不僅僅投身于西方同僚所關(guān)注的教學(xué)和研究—發(fā)表工作,他們的第一要務(wù)在于秉持有教無類、關(guān)懷社稷的精神,成為一名受人敬重的教師。本文以形成于西方的動態(tài)競爭理論為例,說明教學(xué)與研究如何平衡與整合,達(dá)到傳統(tǒng)東方教育理念中的"合一"。本文希望在教學(xué)與研究之間搭建橋梁,為試圖將理論引進課堂的學(xué)者,或是意欲拓展研究范疇的研究者提供指導(dǎo)。本文提出一個本質(zhì)性的問題:在現(xiàn)代中國和全球的環(huán)境下,"學(xué)術(shù)"在管理學(xué)等應(yīng)用學(xué)科領(lǐng)域中有何意涵?
How to integrate research and teaching is a vital but little-studied topic in business academia. In the West, pedagogy and research often make for strange bedfellows, while teaching and theoretical work in the East are united by the ancient philosophical notion of "oneness". Indeed, in the Confucian tradition scholars in China devote themselves to work that goes beyond both teaching and research and publishing impetus of their Western counterparts. The Eastern scholar's paramount task is to be a respected teacher as expressed in an ethos of educating students of all kinds and caring for the greater community. This paper takes up the case of competitive dynamics, a management topic developed in the West, to demonstrate how teaching and research may be balanced and even integrated much as in the traditional Eastern pedagogical conception. The effort to bridge the research-teaching divide is instructional for scholars seeking to transfer theory to the classroom and for researchers aiming to broaden the scope of their investigations. In the process, the paper raises a fundamental question:What does "scholarship" in the applied academic fields, such as management, mean in modern China and within a global context?

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