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技術(shù)經(jīng)濟與管理研究 頁數(shù): 5 2018-10-26
摘要: 人性假設(shè)理論是制定管理制度的前提和基礎(chǔ),本文在深入考察不同人性假設(shè)理論的基礎(chǔ)上,從組織行為管理的視角出發(fā)發(fā)展出了"組織人"假設(shè)。"組織人"假設(shè)以組織行為理論為基礎(chǔ),從本質(zhì)動機、行為邏輯、主要特征和管理模式四個方面對于組織中的員工的本質(zhì)特征進行了高度總結(jié)和提煉。"組織人"假設(shè)為組織行為管理中的制度設(shè)計提供了前提和基礎(chǔ),對于組織中人的行為也更具有解釋性和預(yù)測性,更加接近組織行為管理的現(xiàn)實。
The theory of human nature supposition is the premise and basic of management system. From the perspective of organizational behavior management, the paper put forward the supposition of organizational man on the basis of research of different theories of human nature suppositions. The paper summed up an abstracted away the essential characteristic of employee in the organizations from the four perspectives: essential motivation, Behavior Logic, main characteristicand management model on the basis of the organization behavior theory. The supposition of organizational man is the premise and basic of system design in the organizational behavior management. The supposition of organizational man can be better on explaining and predicting the human action in the organization and closer to the reality of organizational behavior management.

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