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中國科學(xué)院院刊 頁數(shù): 8 2018-12-20
摘要: 隨著對(duì)智庫建設(shè)的深入探索,我國日益重視智庫的理性發(fā)展和高質(zhì)量的研究成果產(chǎn)出。然而,現(xiàn)有智庫研究通常聚焦于智庫問題的局部,缺少對(duì)智庫研究全過程的系統(tǒng)性思考與認(rèn)知。為此,文章從研究過程、智庫導(dǎo)向和方法工具3個(gè)維度出發(fā),基于智庫DIIS(收集信息—揭示信息—綜合研判—形成方案,Data-InformationIntelligence-Solution)理論方法的思想提出智庫DIIS三維理論模型,并從不同視圖深入分析該模型,包括基于研究過程和智庫導(dǎo)向的主視圖、基于研究過程和方法工具的俯視圖、基于方法工具和智庫導(dǎo)向的左視圖,從而進(jìn)一步探究智庫研究的系統(tǒng)性方法體系,以期為我國高質(zhì)量智庫建設(shè)作出貢獻(xiàn)。
With the in-depth exploration of think tank construction, the rational development of think tanks and the output of high-quality research results have received increasingly attention in China. Nevertheless, the existing think tank research generally focuses on the part of the think tank problem, and it lacks the systematic thinking and cognition of the whole process of think tank research. To this end, based on the principle of think tank Data-Information-Intelligence-Solution(DIIS), this study proposes a three-dimensional theoretical model of think tank DIIS from the perspectives of research process, think tank orientation and method tools. Furthermore, the proposed model is analyzed from different views, including the main view of the research process and think tank orientation, the top view of the research process and method tools, and the left view of the method tool and the think tank orientation. Through the research, this study aims to explore the systematic methodology of think tank research and make contributions to the construction of high-quality think tank in China.

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