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旅游學(xué)刊 頁數(shù): 11 2019-04-06
摘要: 品牌依戀不僅是建立消費(fèi)者和品牌聯(lián)系的紐帶,還是酒店獲得可持續(xù)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)的戰(zhàn)略武器。該研究首先檢驗(yàn)了酒店消費(fèi)者感知功能性價(jià)值、象征性價(jià)值和享樂性價(jià)值對(duì)品牌依戀的影響作用,其次檢驗(yàn)了情感價(jià)值的中介作用,最后檢驗(yàn)了酒店類型對(duì)中介關(guān)系的調(diào)節(jié)作用。結(jié)果表明:(1)消費(fèi)者感知功能性價(jià)值、象征性價(jià)值、享樂性價(jià)值正向影響品牌依戀;(2)消費(fèi)者感知功能性價(jià)值、象征性價(jià)值、享樂性價(jià)值對(duì)情感價(jià)值有顯著的正向影響;(3)情感價(jià)值在消費(fèi)者感知功能性價(jià)值、象征性價(jià)值、享樂性價(jià)值與品牌依戀之間起中介作用;(4)酒店類型調(diào)節(jié)了情感價(jià)值在象征性價(jià)值與品牌依戀之間的中介作用。
The number of hotels in China presently exceeds 42 million, leading to high levels of commercial competition. Attracting patrons in the context of fierce competition and establishing a good relationship as well as an emotional connection with them have become top priorities for hotel managers. Brand attachment forms the basis for forging a strong customer-brand relationship, holding strategic significance for hotel enterprises and brands in terms of acquiring sustainable competitive advantage. Currently, neither the mechanisms underlying brand attachment nor the factors influencing it are clearly understood. Value is a key concept for understanding and predicting consumer behavior.Sentimental value is a subjective and high-level need; it is the utility of experiencing an emotional state in the process of consumption. Different types of hotel customers have different consumption expectations. Economy-hotel customers mainly pursue functional value. Luxury-hotel customer pay more attention to the symbolic and hedonic resources of the hotel. In view of these differences, this study first tests the relationship between perceived functional value, hedonic value, symbolic value, and brand attachment, and then tests the mediating role of sentimental value and the moderating role of hotel type. Data were obtained from a survey of 545 hotel customers and the hypothesis was tested using the structural equation model. The results show that the three antecedent variables(functional value, symbolic value, and hedonic value) were positively related to hotel customers' brand attachment. Second, sentimental value was positively related to hotel customers' brand attachment.Third, sentimental value partly mediated the relationships between functional value, symbolic value,hedonic value, and hotel customers' brand attachment. Fourth, hotel type moderated the mediating relationship between the symbolic value and brand attachment.Based on these results, this study makes two unique contributions to the extant literature. First, the study expands our understanding of what determines brand attachment by showing that sentimental value mediates the relationships between functional value, symbolic value, hedonic value, and brand attachment. Second, it shows that there are different ways to foster brand attachment among customers of economy hotels and luxury hotels. To satisfy the perceived functional value of economy-hotel customers, the formation of brand attachment can be promoted. However, for luxury-hotel customers,their perceived symbolic value should be satisfied in order to form brand attachment. In addition to these theoretical contributions, this study has important practical implications for hotel marketers and customers. It provides a new insight on the relationship between customers and brands, from the perspective of value. Brand attachment is a new perspective in a hotel brand's relationship marketing.In developing a hotel brand strategy, managers should focus on the relationship between the brand and its customers. A good hotel brand not only provides consumers with functional and reliable products or services but can also establish an emotional connection with customers.

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