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科技管理研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-04-20
摘要: 運用DEA-Malmquist指數(shù)對我國2006—2016年省級科技服務業(yè)發(fā)展的技術(shù)效率以及全要素生產(chǎn)率進行測度,結(jié)果表明,科技服務業(yè)整體發(fā)展效率較低,已有生產(chǎn)要素投入潛力未能得到有效挖掘,處于規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟狀態(tài);科技服務業(yè)TFP以年均9.8%的速度增長,其中主要源動力來自技術(shù)進步變化,而技術(shù)效率變化對TFP增長的貢獻較弱;生產(chǎn)率指數(shù)區(qū)域發(fā)展不均衡,高水平與較高水平區(qū)逐漸從東部地區(qū)向中西部地區(qū)擴散,地區(qū)間技術(shù)效率變化差異顯著。要促使科技服務業(yè)效率提高,需要加大研發(fā)投入促進自主創(chuàng)新,完善制度環(huán)境加強管理創(chuàng)新,因地制宜縮小區(qū)域差異等。
Using the DEA-Malmquist Index to measure the technical efficiency and total factor productivity of provincial science and technology service industry in China from 2006 to 2016, the conclusions can be drawn as follows: The overall development efficiency of China's science and technology service industry is low, and the input potential of existing production factors has not been obtained, which is in a state of decreasing returns to scale. The TFP in the science and technology service industry grows at an average annual rate of 9.8%. The main driving force is the change in technological progress, and the contribution of technological efficiency changes to TFP growth is weak. The regional development of productivity index of regions is uneven, and high-level and higher-level areas of productivity index gradually spread from the eastern region to the central and western regions. The differences in technical efficiency between the regions are significantly different. Measures should be taken in terms of increasing investment in R&D to promote independent innovation, improving the institutional environment to strengthen management innovation, and adapting measures to local conditions to adjust regional differences, in order to promote the efficiency of science and technology service industry.

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