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經(jīng)濟(jì)地理 頁(yè)數(shù): 9 2019-02-15 07:03
摘要: 以2014、2017年廣州市區(qū)餐飲POI數(shù)據(jù)為基礎(chǔ),運(yùn)用GIS空間分析方法對(duì)城市餐飲店的時(shí)空變化及集聚特征進(jìn)行分析,并進(jìn)一步探討其分布的影響因素。研究表明:①2014—2017年廣州市區(qū)餐飲店總體呈現(xiàn)由"雙核"向"多核"轉(zhuǎn)變的空間分布模式,具有顯著的空間集聚特征。②2014—2017年各類餐飲店在不同區(qū)域的集聚程度不同,空間差異性特征表現(xiàn)明顯:粵菜館占主導(dǎo)地位,高密度集聚區(qū)增多,川、湘菜館的發(fā)展變化較小,快餐廳和外國(guó)餐廳的集聚范圍不斷擴(kuò)大,東北菜館的集聚區(qū)減少。③交通站點(diǎn)、居民區(qū)、寫字樓、工業(yè)園、地價(jià)與餐飲店的相關(guān)性顯著,且影響程度不同:餐飲店與交通站點(diǎn)、寫字樓、居民區(qū)的相關(guān)性較強(qiáng),與工業(yè)園的相關(guān)性較弱,且在中高等級(jí)地價(jià)區(qū)集聚較多。因此,在城市發(fā)展進(jìn)程中,餐飲業(yè)區(qū)位選址及發(fā)展規(guī)劃需綜合地理因素和人為因素。
Knowing the spatial and temporal variation and distribution characteristics of the catering industry is of great significance to urban economic development, business management and decision-making. Based on the POI data of Guangzhou restaurants in 2014 and 2017, the spatial and temporal evolution and agglomeration characteristics of urban restaurant are analyzed with GIS spatial analysis method, and the influencing factors of its distribution are discussed. The results showed that: 1) In 2014-2017, spatial distribution pattern of the restaurants in Guangzhou varied from "dual core" to "multi core", which had significant spatial concentration characteristics. 2) There are spatial differences in different types of restaurants in 2014-2017. Cantonese cuisine restaurants occupy the dominant position, high density agglomeration areas are increasing, Sichuan and Hunan cuisine restaurants have little change, the agglomeration range of fast-food restaurants and foreign restaurants is expanding, and the agglomeration areas of northeastern restaurants are reduced. 3) The influence degree of the traffic station, residential area, the commercial center, the industrial park and the land price on the distribution of the restaurant is different. The restaurant has a higher correlation with the traffic station,residential area and the commercial center and there are more agglomeration in the areas of middle and high grade land price. Therefore, in the process of urban development, location selection and development planning of catering industry should integrate geographical and human factors. The research results can provide reference for the development planning and optimization management of urban catering industry.

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