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中國農(nóng)業(yè)資源與區(qū)劃 頁數(shù): 9 2019-02-25
摘要: [目的]鄉(xiāng)村美食,是鄉(xiāng)村旅游最重要的吸引源,其餐飲服務質(zhì)量的高低是影響目的地能否在市場嚴重同質(zhì)化競爭中制勝的關(guān)鍵,進而建立一套客觀而全面評價鄉(xiāng)村旅游餐飲服務質(zhì)量的方法顯得必要而迫切。[方法]文章構(gòu)建了基于3層6準則34項指標評價體系支撐的屬性層次模型(AHM),并引入更為客觀的多主體評價的方法,結(jié)合袁家村實際調(diào)研數(shù)據(jù)對其鄉(xiāng)村旅游餐飲服務質(zhì)量進行了實證研究。[結(jié)果](1)袁家村餐飲服務質(zhì)量(μ_A=80. 1)總體表現(xiàn)情況良好。(2)準則層B_3鄉(xiāng)土氣息(μ_(B3)=86. 1)與B_4菜品質(zhì)量(μ_(B4)=82. 8)兩項表現(xiàn)良好,但仍有上升空間。B_6附加服務(μ_(B6)=69. 3)僅為及格,雖然它不是評價體系中的核心(W_(A6)=0. 058),但可能成為區(qū)分高檔次鄉(xiāng)村旅游目的地的重要細節(jié)。(3) C層指標中有11個達到良好以上,優(yōu)良率達32. 4%。C_(21)就餐環(huán)境安全衛(wèi)生(μ_(C21)=69. 6,W_(21)=0. 053)成為重要性與實際表現(xiàn)差距最大的指標,應該引起袁家村餐飲服務管理者與經(jīng)營者重點關(guān)注。[結(jié)論]這一評價結(jié)果與袁家村作為陜西鄉(xiāng)村旅游龍頭的地位基本契合,進一步提升餐飲服務質(zhì)量是袁家村能否實現(xiàn)向鄉(xiāng)村度假地成功轉(zhuǎn)型的關(guān)鍵。
Village cuisine is an indispensable part and main attraction for rural tourism. The key to win the market in a serious homogenization of competition is to improve the catering service quality. The research established a Analytic Hierarchical Model by supporting 34 elements of the 3 layer 6 criteria. In order to ensure the accuracy of the evaluation,it adopted multi-agent evaluations method to make an empirical study on evaluating catering service quality by combining the actual research data through the questionnaire survey in Yuanjiacun village. The results are showed as follows. First,the overall performance of catering service quality in Yuanjiacun village is good and improving.( = 80. 1) Second,two factors in criteria levels,including rural flavor and cuisine quality,also show the quite good performance. However,the level,additional services,don' t perform well. Although it is not the core factor of evaluation system,it could be the key to distinguish between upscale rural tourism destinations. Finally,11 elements show good or excellent performance. Of particular concern is the index,safety and health in dining environment,which shows the greatest difference between importance and actual performance( = 0. 053),so managers and operators should attach more importance to it.

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