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經(jīng)濟(jì)縱橫 頁數(shù): 10 2019-02-10
摘要: 進(jìn)入中等收入階段后,美國等發(fā)達(dá)國家服務(wù)消費(fèi)增長呈現(xiàn)一系列規(guī)律:服務(wù)消費(fèi)比重隨人均GDP增長持續(xù)上升,服務(wù)消費(fèi)比重提高與服務(wù)業(yè)發(fā)展水平密切相關(guān),發(fā)展型和享受型服務(wù)消費(fèi)成為服務(wù)消費(fèi)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整的驅(qū)動力,服務(wù)消費(fèi)升級與服務(wù)業(yè)發(fā)展之間互促共進(jìn),中等收入群體成為服務(wù)消費(fèi)擴(kuò)大和升級的主導(dǎo)力量。對比發(fā)現(xiàn),我國正處在服務(wù)消費(fèi)與商品消費(fèi)并行推動消費(fèi)增長的階段,教育文化娛樂消費(fèi)是服務(wù)消費(fèi)的第一大支出,服務(wù)消費(fèi)比重與發(fā)達(dá)國家相同發(fā)展階段的水平存在一定差距,但服務(wù)消費(fèi)需求的擴(kuò)大面臨有利條件。為此,要進(jìn)一步推動服務(wù)消費(fèi)與商品消費(fèi)的互動融合,加強(qiáng)對服務(wù)消費(fèi)發(fā)展的分類指導(dǎo),深化服務(wù)消費(fèi)領(lǐng)域的準(zhǔn)入和監(jiān)管改革,完善服務(wù)消費(fèi)配套設(shè)施建設(shè),加快建立服務(wù)消費(fèi)統(tǒng)計(jì)體系。
After entering the middle-income stage,the growth of service consumption in typical developed countries such as the U.S. presents a series of common features. The rise of service consumption ratio is accompanied with the growth of per capita GDP. The rise of service consumption ratio is closely related to the development level of service industry. The service consumption which satisfied the demand of self-development and enjoyment has become the main driving force of the change of service consumption structure. The change of service consumption structure and the development of service industry are mutually promoted. The middle-income group is the dominant force in the expansion and upgrading of service consumption. Considering China's situation,service consumption and commodity consumption are jointly pushing ahead with consumption growth. Education,culture and entertainment consumption is the first expenditure of service consumption. Although the service consumption ratio is lagging behind that of typical developed countries in terms of the same development stage,the expansion of service consumption demand is facing favorable conditions. Therefore,we need to further promote the interactive integration of service consumption and commodity consumption,strengthen the adaptive guidance tailored to service consumption development,deepen the reform of market access and supervision related with service consumption,improve the construction of supporting facilities for service consumption and accelerate the establishment of service consumption statistics system.

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