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旅游學刊 頁數(shù): 11 2019-02-06
摘要: 文章綜合運用社會網(wǎng)絡理論和資源基礎理論,深入探究酒店聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)絡提升酒店績效的內在機制。在資源整合過程視角下,文章通過對359家酒店企業(yè)進行問卷調研,運用結構方程模型實證研究酒店聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)絡關系多樣性、資源整合過程與酒店績效的關系。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):(1)在短期,酒店聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)絡關系多樣性對酒店非財務績效具有顯著促進作用;(2)酒店資源整合(除資源識別外)對酒店績效具有顯著促進作用;(3)酒店聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)絡關系多樣性對資源整合識別具有顯著促進作用;(4)資源整合在酒店聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)絡關系多樣性與酒店績效關系中沒有發(fā)揮中介作用。最后,基于上述研究成果,提出了對酒店聯(lián)盟網(wǎng)絡發(fā)展的建議。
There is a trend toward the establishment of strategic alliance networks in the Chinese hotel industry. Hotels have entered a new era that is based on resource integration, and competition in the hotel industry has increased. Thus the focus has changed to optimizing both the use of resources and the management of the organization. The development of alliance networks involving both vertical and horizontal strategic alliances is an important strategy for hotels during this period of industry transformation. In the hotel industry, a strategic alliance refers to a loose pattern of cooperation with other hospitality industry enterprises aimed at both achieving an organization's strategic objectives and maintaining their independence. With the development and evolution of hotel strategic alliances, hotels with either bilateral or multilateral corporate relationships with other organizations will gradually deepen those relationships to form an alliance network. A hotel alliance network usually refers to a hotel's relationship with two or more enterprises through various agreements and contracts, wherein the relevant resources of the member enterprises are integrated to form a network among the organizations, with the aim of achieving their strategic objectives. The term"network"refers to the multiple relationships between the member enterprises in relation to markets and resource sharing. A successful alliance network is an effective way for hotels to expand and integrate their resources.However, there have been few studies on hotel resource integration from the perspective of alliance networks, and studies on hotel performance have focused on hotel management rather than the impact of networks. Few scholars have conducted empirical research on the impact of hotel alliance networks on performance, and thus further research is required.This study analyzes the impact of hotel alliance networks on hotel performance utilizing social network theory and resource-based theory. It defines the concepts of hotel alliance network relationship diversity, hotel resource integration, and hotel performance, and proposes a method to evaluate various dimensions of hotel alliance network relationship diversity, hotel resource integration, and hotel performance. The study uses exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of data from359 hotels to develop scales to measure the extent of a hotel's alliance network relationship diversity,resource integration, and performance. Structural equation modeling is used to test hypothetical models of hotel alliance network relationship diversity, resource integration, and hotel performance.The results show that:(1) Hotel alliance network relationship diversity has a significant positive effect on nonfinancial performance;(2) Resource integration(in addition to resource identification) has a significant positive effect on hotel performance;(3) Hotel alliance network relationship diversity has a significant positive effect on resource identification;(4) It cannot be confirmed that resource integration is a mediated variable.The empirical results of this study provide a guide for managers of Chinese hotels, who should work to strengthen the alliance network relationship diversity of their organizations.

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