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廣州體育學(xué)院學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 7 2019-01-28
摘要: 從O2O平臺模式、扁平化管理模式、擴張模式和盈利模式4個方面,對我國智能健身房的商業(yè)模式進行分析研究。研究認為,O2O平臺模式是智能健身房商業(yè)模式實現(xiàn)的關(guān)鍵所在,扁平化管理模式是智能健身房商業(yè)模式運行的基本保障,連鎖加融資的擴張模式是智能健身房商業(yè)模式推廣的主要手段,低成本高回報的盈利模式是智能健身房商業(yè)模式健康發(fā)展的重要推力。此外,智能健身房商業(yè)模式作為活躍于健身市場的新興力量,其在健身市場快速崛起的同時,也為整個健身市場的發(fā)展帶來了諸多啟示意義。關(guān)于啟示意義具體表現(xiàn)在3個方面:1)以"智能化+短期卡"的組合方式,打破了健身行業(yè)發(fā)展的困局; 2)以問題倒逼的發(fā)展方式,推動了傳統(tǒng)健身房的改革; 3)以滿足健身剛需人群為主的發(fā)展思路,實現(xiàn)了健身消費的升級。
From O2 O platform model,flat management model,expansion model and profit model,to analyze the business model of intelligent gym. In our research studies suggest that O2 O platform model is the key to the gym business model intelligent,flat management mode is the basic guarantee of intelligent gym business mode,the expansion of the chain and financing mode is a major means of intelligent business model to promote the gym,low cost and high return profit model is the important force to the healthy development of the intelligent gym business model. In addition,the intelligent gym business model as active in the fitness market emerging force,the rapid rise in the fitness market at the same time,also has brought many Revelations for the development of the fitness market. About the implications embodied in three aspects: 1) in the combination of " intelligent+ short-term card" way,break the dilemma of fitness industry development; 2) problem reversed transmission way of development,promoting traditional gym reform; 3) in order to meet the fitness just need people give priority to the development of ideas,to achieve fitness consumption upgrading.

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