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河北學刊 頁數(shù): 6 2019-01-01
摘要: 當前,中國服務貿易進口、服務業(yè)外商投資、服務業(yè)對外直接投資能顯著促進中國攀升全球價值鏈,但中國服務業(yè)真實開放度仍較低,總體競爭力還不夠強。因此,應大力提升中國服務業(yè)對外開放度,加大中國對一帶一路沿線國家和地區(qū)生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)直接投資力度,不斷提升從國外進口的中間投入品質量,降低中國服務貿易限制度指數(shù),加大對APEC成員國中發(fā)達國家的資本技術密集性產(chǎn)業(yè)直接投資力度。
China's import of service trade,foreign investment in service industry and foreign direct investment in service industry can significantly promote China to climb up the global value chain.However,the real openness of China's service industry is still low,and the overall competitiveness of China's service industry is not strong.We should enhance the opening degree of China's service industry,further promote the opening up of China's service industry,increase Outward FDI in productive service industries in all countries along the Belt and the Road,continuously upgrade the quality of intermediate inputs imported from abroad,and continuously reduce China's service trade restriction index.Efforts should be made to increase direct investment in capital and technology intensive industries in developed countries in the APEC member states.

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