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旅游科學(xué) 頁數(shù): 11 2019-02-28
摘要: 非期望產(chǎn)出是效率測度必須要考慮的指標(biāo)之一。本文利用中國大陸2000—2016年的省域數(shù)據(jù),引入碳排放測度方法,將非期望產(chǎn)出納入星級飯店效率的測度體系,進(jìn)一步分析其時空演化的穩(wěn)健性。主要結(jié)論有:考慮非期望產(chǎn)出后,效率均值出現(xiàn)微弱的下降,反映當(dāng)前星級飯店的低碳經(jīng)營理念仍需進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)。2000—2016年中國大陸星級飯店綜合效率主要由規(guī)模效率驅(qū)動,綜合效率與規(guī)模效率表現(xiàn)出與經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展水平負(fù)相關(guān)的態(tài)勢。重心分析表明綜合效率與規(guī)模效率表現(xiàn)出大致相同的空間演化軌跡,總體上向東北發(fā)生偏移,純技術(shù)效率重心總體上向西南發(fā)生偏移。不考慮空間因素,各項效率維持原有水平的概率表現(xiàn)出綜合效率與規(guī)模效率大于純技術(shù)效率,純技術(shù)效率穩(wěn)定性相對較低;考慮空間因素后,星級飯店效率維持原有穩(wěn)定格局概率均大大降低。未來中西部地區(qū)在適度增加投入的同時,需要進(jìn)一步轉(zhuǎn)變增長方式;東部地區(qū)要嚴(yán)格控制星級飯店數(shù)量,同時需要大力推進(jìn)集約化生產(chǎn)方式,倡導(dǎo)綠色生產(chǎn)。
Undesired output is one of the indicators effecting efficiency measurement.This paper used the provincial data of China mainland from 2000 to 2016,introduced carbon emission measurement method,and integrated the undesired outputs into the measurement system about the efficiency of star hotels to analyze the robustness of its space-time evolution.The results show that:the average efficiency has fallen slightly after considering the undesired outputs,which reflects that the low-carbon business concept about current star hotels still needs to be further promoted;the total efficiency of China mainland star hotels was mainly driven by scale efficiency from 2000 to 2016,and the total efficiency and scale efficiency is negatively related with the level of economic development;spatial evolution between the total efficiency and scale efficiency is roughly the same through the analysis of gravity center and shifts to the Northeast as a whole while the gravity center of pure technology efficiency generally shifts to the Southwest;regardless of space factors,the probability of maintaining the original level shows that the total efficiency and scale efficiency are greater than the pure technology efficiency,and the pure technology efficiency stability is relatively low.Considering the space factors,we find that the probability of maintaining the original stable pattern of the efficiency of star hotel greatly reduced.In the future,while moderately increasing investment in the central and western regions,it is necessary to change the growth mode and the eastern region must strictly control the number of star hotels.At the same time,it needs to vigorously promote intensive production methods and advocate green production.

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