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經(jīng)濟地理 頁數(shù): 8 2019-04-19 14:32
摘要: 基于第二次和第三次經(jīng)濟普查的數(shù)據(jù),以郵區(qū)為基本空間單元,從生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)從業(yè)人員的微觀視角實證分析了北京市生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)空間格局演變及這一過程的影響因素。研究認為,在市域范圍內(nèi),北京市生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)分布具有顯著的集聚特征,以城市中心為原點,隨距離增加集聚程度先升后降;兩次經(jīng)濟普查期間呈現(xiàn)向心集聚的發(fā)展趨勢,但總體集聚度有所減弱。進一步地,距離最近地鐵站的距離、距離機場的距離、到中軸線中心距離等對生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)集聚具有重要的負向影響,路網(wǎng)密度以及距離制造中心的距離的作用較弱;政策新區(qū)和發(fā)展區(qū)規(guī)劃對生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)的集聚具有重要的正向影響;集聚水平對當期的集聚影響較大,以上因素共同決定了北京市生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)"圈層+極化"的空間布局。在實證分析的基礎上,提出從影響因素著手,對生產(chǎn)性服務業(yè)集聚水平、集聚區(qū)位、集聚過程等進行科學引導的政策建議。
Based on the data of the second and third economic census in Beijing, and taking the postal area as the basic spatial unit, this paper empirically analyzes the evolution of the spatial pattern of the producer service industry in Beijing from the micro perspective. The spatial econometric model is applied to analyze the influencing factors of this process.According to the study, the distribution of the producer service industry in Beijing has a distinctive agglomeration feature,and the agglomeration degree increases first and then decreases with the increasing of distance from the postal area center to the city center. From the perspective of the agglomeration level, the degree of aggregation in the second and third economic census periods shows a trend of central concentration, and the overall trend of development is weakened. The distance which is from the center of the postal area to the nearest subway station, the airport, and the central axis, etc. has an important negative impact on producer service industry agglomeration. The role of road network density and distance from manufacturing centers is weak. Both the new policy zones and the planning of development zone have an important positive impact on the agglomeration of producer services. The two agglomeration levels of producer services in the second and third economic census have a greater impact on the agglomeration of the current period. The above factors codetermine the "circle + polarization" spatial layout characteristic of Beijing's producer service industry. On the basis of empirical analysis, the paper proposes to scientifically guide the agglomeration level, agglomeration location and agglomeration process of producer services according to the influencing factors.

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