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人文地理 頁數(shù): 10 2019-04-15
摘要: 以實體餐飲商家信息和外賣O2O餐飲商家信息為數(shù)據(jù)基礎(chǔ),融合GIS空間分析和地理探測器等方法,對比分析兩種餐飲業(yè)態(tài)的空間分布特征,并對外賣O2O餐飲業(yè)空間分異的成因進行討論。主要結(jié)論如下:(1)基于路網(wǎng)單元的外賣O2O餐飲網(wǎng)點與實體餐飲網(wǎng)點數(shù)量等級存在較大關(guān)聯(lián)。(2)外賣O2O餐飲業(yè)集聚中心正從城市中心區(qū)向郊區(qū)擴散,形成"圈層+多核心"的空間分布特征。(3)外賣O2O餐飲業(yè)依托商貿(mào)綜合區(qū)和高校文教區(qū)高度集聚,并在空間上形成四個集聚熱點區(qū)。(4)外賣O2O電子商務(wù)的空間發(fā)展特征更符合創(chuàng)新擴散假說,由創(chuàng)新中心向外圍擴散。(5)對外賣O2O餐飲業(yè)空間格局起到主要解釋作用的是外賣O2O餐飲商家所在區(qū)域的實體餐館數(shù)量、醫(yī)院數(shù)量和高校數(shù)量。
This paper respectively climbed the information from 21936 entities business in Dianping.com and6173 takeaway O2O restaurants business in eleme.com. Quantitative methods, such as Nearest neighbor analysis, Kernel Density Estimation, Geographical Detector, Getis-Ord Gi* were employed to comparative analysis the spatial characteristics of takeaway O2O catering industry and entity catering industry in Changchun and discuss the way of O2O space development, and the causes of the spatial differentiation of the O2O catering industry are explored and discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) There is a general agreement between the number of O2O catering outlets and the entity catering outlets, but there are still some differences among some network units. 2) From the point of view of the spatial agglomeration, the O2O catering industry and the entity catering industry have a spatial agglomeration situation, and the degree of spatial agglomeration of the entity catering industry is higher than the degree of spatial agglomeration of the O2O catering industry. 3)Takeaway O2O catering industry highly concentrated relying on comprehensive trade zone and cultural educational zone. 4)The spatial development features of O2O e-commerce are more consistent with the innovation diffusion hypothesis. 5)The spatial distribution pattern of takeaway O2O catering industry is mainly explained by the number of entity restaurants, hospitals and universities.

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