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經濟與管理評論 頁數: 10 2018-02-05 11:03
摘要: 基于拓展的利益相關者理論和平衡積分卡模型,建立養(yǎng)老服務質量影響因素指標維度,利用2010-2016年山東省17地市養(yǎng)老服務發(fā)展監(jiān)測數據,運用主成分與多元回歸分析方法對影響?zhàn)B老服務機構服務質量的諸多因素進行實證分析。結果顯示,老年群體人口特征因子對養(yǎng)老服務機構服務質量影響效用最高,養(yǎng)老服務機構從業(yè)人員素質與政府投入因子次之,老年人支付能力與養(yǎng)老服務機構投入因子最低,三種因子的影響效用均存在顯性地區(qū)性差異。文章提出調整財政支出結構、增加老年人群收入、提高從業(yè)人員素質等策略。
Based on the extended stakeholder theory and the balanced score card model,establishing the dimension of influencing factors of service quality,and using monitoring data of pension service development of 17 cities in Shandong province from 2010 to 2016,the paper makes an empirical analysis of factors influencing service quality of pension service institutions by using the principal component and multiple regression method. The results show that the impact of population characteristic factor of the elderly group on service quality of pension service institutions ranks first,the impact of employees' quality of pension service institutions and government's commitment ranks the second,and the impact of capability to pay of the elderly people and commitment of pension service institutions ranks the last. The influence of these three factors presents dominant regional differences. According to the analysis results,this paper puts forward some suggestions such as adjusting fiscal expenditure structure,increasing revenues of the elderly people and improving the quality of employees.

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