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南方經(jīng)濟(jì) 頁(yè)數(shù): 20 2018-12-25
摘要: 服務(wù)業(yè)是中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)轉(zhuǎn)型和產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)升級(jí)的重要抓手,在資源與環(huán)境"雙重"約束日益趨緊的背景下,有必要研究服務(wù)業(yè)綠色發(fā)展問題。能否在減排成本最小的前提下提高服務(wù)業(yè)增長(zhǎng)率,走出一條綠色發(fā)展路徑?為此,文章創(chuàng)新性地將排放權(quán)交易市場(chǎng)引入服務(wù)業(yè)部門,采用方向性距離函數(shù)、非線性規(guī)劃等實(shí)證研究方法測(cè)算2004-2012年中國(guó)服務(wù)業(yè)14個(gè)細(xì)分行業(yè)的綠色效率和碳排放影子價(jià)格。研究表明:中國(guó)服務(wù)業(yè)發(fā)展方式并非"綠色",服務(wù)業(yè)減排成本和碳排放量逐年增長(zhǎng),減排面臨巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)壓力;在文章設(shè)計(jì)的排放權(quán)交易模型下,服務(wù)業(yè)細(xì)分行業(yè)能夠形成一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的影子價(jià)格,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)一條綠色發(fā)展路徑,該路徑滿足帕累托有效和投入產(chǎn)出技術(shù)有效;在均衡路徑上,流通服務(wù)業(yè)應(yīng)出售排放權(quán),而其他減排成本較高的服務(wù)業(yè)購(gòu)買排放權(quán)。
Reducing emissions and safeguarding the sustainability of economic and social development have become critical concerns around the w ord,especially in China-the largest carbon emitter. On the other hand,service industry is the key of China's economic transformation and industrial structure upgradation. How to achieve a w in-w in situation betw een emission reduction and economic grow th in service industry has become an important research topic. Therefore,this study aims to investigate the green development issue of service industry in China,so as to find an equilibrium grow th path w hich minimizes the loss caused by emission reduction. Based on the related literature,this study introduces an emission trading mechanism into service industry,and develops a model of carbon emission right trading. Specifically,this study adopts the directional distance function,nonlinear programming,input-output analysis,as w ell as stochastic frontier analysis methods. With these methods,this study estimates the green efficiency and shadow price of carbon emission for 14 service industries of China from 2004 to 2012. In addition,this study empirically and counterfactually analyses the static and dynamic equilibriums.Under the framew ork of a macro total factor production function,this paper selects relevant theories on environmental production technology as a starting point to explore the allocation of carbon emission.An output-oriented model is initially used to describe the total factor production process. Through theoretical and empirical exploration,the follow ing results are obtained.( i) The abatement cost and emissions of CO2 increased year by year,so Chinese service industries face enormous emission-reduction pressure and the development of Chinese service industries is not green.( ii) The service industries can achieve a uniform CO2 shadow price under the carbon emission right trading model designed in this study,implying that the service industries can achieve a green equilibrium path,w hich is Pareto efficient and technical efficient.( iii) On the equilibrium path,the circulation service industry should sell emission permits,w hile the other service industries could buy emission permits.( iv)Compared to the past studies,the allocation mode of carbon emission in this study is more efficient and reasonable,but the Chinese government should regulate and subsidy the carbon emission right trading market.The above conclusions can offer some useful policy implications for future emissions reduction in China. To reduce carbon emissions more efficiently,China should focus on both the manufacturing and service industries, and pay more attention to the circulation service industry. The Chinese government should also strive to build inter-regional and inter-industrial cooperative emission-reduction platforms,and encourage enterprises w ith greater efficiency to offer technological support to those w ho are lacking to narrow the gap in emission efficiency. Finally,this study offers a theoretical mechanism for carbon emission trading. The government should take measures to implement the mechanism,for examples,supervise the emission trading market,subsidy the enterprises w ith high efficiency,and impose Pigovian tax upon polluting enterprises.

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