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價格理論與實踐 頁數(shù): 4 2018-11-25
摘要: 在人口老齡化情形下,迫切的需求是建設(shè)和完善養(yǎng)老運行、保障及管理機制。養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)關(guān)乎整個社會養(yǎng)老工作效率和服務(wù)水平,養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)服務(wù)定價與政府補貼也是養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)合理發(fā)展的重要前提。本文利用2017-2018年北京養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)價格數(shù)據(jù),從特征價格的角度,對養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)價格進(jìn)行了實證研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)影響價格的因素有:機構(gòu)層數(shù)、商圈發(fā)達(dá)程度、養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)評級、系統(tǒng)設(shè)備、機構(gòu)房齡、機構(gòu)規(guī)模、生活支持、商圈距離。其中政府合理補貼成為養(yǎng)老機構(gòu)定價的關(guān)鍵。
Under the situation of aging population, the urgent need is to build and improve the operation and security and management mechanism of the old-age pension. Old-age institutions can stimulate the work efficiency and service level of the whole society, but the pricing of old-age institutions and government subsidies become an important prerequisite for the rational development of old-age institutions. Based on the price data of pension institutions in Beijing from 2017 to 2018, this paper conducts an empirical study on the price of pension institutions from the perspective of characteristic price. It is found that the influencing factors of the price are the number of layers of institutions, the developed degree of business circles, the rating of pension institutions, system equipment, the age of institutions, the scale of institutions, life support and business circle distance. Among them, the government's reasonable subsidy is the key to the pricing of pension institutions.

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