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科研管理 頁數(shù): 10 2018-12-20
摘要: 一線服務(wù)從業(yè)者在工作過程中會與顧客密切接觸,服務(wù)精神要求從業(yè)者對顧客保持良好的態(tài)度,即使遭遇行為不當(dāng)?shù)念櫩?也不允許與顧客發(fā)生沖突,除了忍受并沒有有效的反制措施,無法解決遇到的不公正待遇。在長期的壓力下,一線服務(wù)人員可能會產(chǎn)生負(fù)面情緒,若在工作過程中爆發(fā),會對顧客和自身造成嚴(yán)重的傷害,對企業(yè)也會有負(fù)面影響,因此顧客不當(dāng)行為正逐漸成為服務(wù)行業(yè)及其從業(yè)者重大的工作阻礙。本研究從服務(wù)型企業(yè)一線員工角度出發(fā),探索在面對面的服務(wù)情境下,顧客不當(dāng)行為對于服務(wù)人員報(bào)復(fù)傾向與離職傾向的影響,并引入情緒失調(diào)作為中介變量,卷入程度作為調(diào)節(jié)變量。研究結(jié)果顯示顧客不當(dāng)行為三個(gè)維度(言語侵犯、無理要求、違規(guī)行為)對于員工情緒失調(diào)影響顯著,從而導(dǎo)致員工產(chǎn)生報(bào)復(fù)傾向和離職傾向,卷入程度在其中具有一定的調(diào)節(jié)作用。
As first-line service practitioners are in close contact with customers during their work,they are required to adhere to the spirit of service and maintain a good attitude towards customers. Even if they encounter misbehaving customers,they are not allowed to have conflicts with the customers. Except that they endure such customers,they have no effective countermeasures to solve the unfair treatment they have encountered. Under long-term pressure,the first-line service personnel may have negative emotions,which may,if released during work,cause serious harm to customers and themselves and have a negative impact on enterprises. Therefore,customer misconduct is gradually becoming a major work barrier in the service industry and its practitioners. This study explores the impact of customer misconduct on the retaliation tendency and turnover intention of service personnel in the face-to-face service situation from the perspective of first-line service providers by introducing emotional disorder as a mediator variable and involvement degree as a moderator. The results show that the three dimensions of customer misconduct( verbal infringement,unreasonable requirements and irregular behavior) have a significant impact on employees' emotional disorders,which leads to employees' retaliation tendency and turnover intention,and involvement degree has a certain adjustment effect.

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