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情報雜志 頁數: 7 2018-10-12 14:32
摘要: [目的/意義]社會智庫相對于官方或半官方智庫而言,對決策問題的研究態(tài)度更客觀,價值取向更中立。但長期處于邊緣境地,也導致其在發(fā)展中面臨諸多障礙。因此,創(chuàng)新社會智庫建設既可推動其決策咨詢優(yōu)勢的發(fā)揮,亦可完善中國特色新型智庫體系。[方法/過程]從外部協(xié)同和內部運行機制的視角來探討社會智庫創(chuàng)新建設。外部協(xié)同由官方智庫、高校智庫、國外智庫和企業(yè)構成,四類主體與社會智庫間形成了優(yōu)勢互補的協(xié)同體系。在協(xié)同合作下,構建了社會智庫運行機制框架。運行機制內各"子機制"在社會智庫建設中具有較強的調節(jié)功能、動力支持功能以及聯系與溝通功能。[結果/結論]強化外部協(xié)同,完善內部運行機制可從整體上推進社會智庫建設。在此背景下,進一步推進社會智庫創(chuàng)新建設,一是要明確社會智庫定位;二是要完善人才結構,促推"精細化"研究;三是構建內部籌資機構,完善資金管理;四是避免形式主義,注重內容建設。
[Purpose/Significance]Compared with official or semi-official think tanks,social think tanks have more objective attitudes decision-making Abstract towards and more tank neutral value orientation.But in the the long run,it also leads to many development obstacles in its development.Therefore,innovative social think tank construction can not only promote of its decision-making advisory advantages,but also improve the new think system with the Chinese characteristics.[Method/Process]From the perspective of external synergy and internal operation mechanism,we discuss innovative construction of social think tanks.External synergy is composed of official think tanks,University think tanks,foreign think tanks the and enterprises,and four types of subjects and social think tanks have formed a synergy system of complementary advantages.Under cooperation,a framework strong of operation mechanism of social support think tanks has and been constructed.Each"in sub-mechanism"in the social operation think mechanism has a regulatory function,dynamic function communication function the construction of tanks.[Result/Conclusion]Strengthening external synergy and improving internal operation mechanism can promote the construction of social think tanks as a whole.In this the context,to other further promote the innovative talent construction promote of social think tanks,one the is to to clarify the positioning of social think tanks;is to improve the structure of and"refined"attention research;to third is build internal financing institutions,improve capital management;the fourth is to avoid formalism,pay content construction.

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