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檔案學(xué)通訊 頁數(shù): 4 2018-11-18
摘要: 長期以來,學(xué)界對批轉(zhuǎn)類黨政機(jī)關(guān)公文是否能夠省略主引文和被引文文種的問題眾說紛紜。最近幾年又有學(xué)者以公文標(biāo)題新聞化改革為由,出現(xiàn)公文省略標(biāo)題文種的新論調(diào)。這些觀點(diǎn)帶來公文理念與實(shí)踐上的嚴(yán)重混亂,迫切需要辨析與厘清?;诖?從公文標(biāo)題文種的性質(zhì)與價(jià)值,文種作為公文標(biāo)題中心語的語法本質(zhì),和文種決定公文讀寫性質(zhì)與方向等三個(gè)維度,分析這種省略的不切性。并就此提出批轉(zhuǎn)類公文如何避免文種多重疊加的處理策略。
In academia, whether active and passive quotations can be omitted in forward Party and Government Organs Documents has been in hot discussion for quite some time. In recent years, several scholars put forward the new argument of omissible document types in document headlines for the reason of news-oriented document deadlines reform. These viewpoints cause serious disorder on document theory and practice which cry for discrimination and clarification. Based on this, starting from the following three dimensions: nature and value of document deadline type, document type as grammar essence of the central word in document deadline and document type's conclusiveness on nature and direction of document readwrite, the author tends to analyze the inaccuracy of omissible document and propose handling strategies about how to avoid document type multi-superposition on forward documents.

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