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太平洋學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 14 2018-11-15
摘要: 什么樣的運(yùn)行機(jī)制能提升中國(guó)智庫(kù)的國(guó)際議程設(shè)置能力?本文以南海爭(zhēng)端為個(gè)案,在國(guó)際比較視野下,分析了近6年來(lái)中美菲越四國(guó)智庫(kù)如何設(shè)置南海議程。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),中國(guó)智庫(kù)已經(jīng)發(fā)出有力的"中國(guó)聲音",但與政府的互動(dòng)落后于其他三國(guó),"旋轉(zhuǎn)門(mén)"專(zhuān)家人數(shù)少、級(jí)別低。舉辦的國(guó)際會(huì)議數(shù)量大,但在會(huì)議策劃,以及與國(guó)際媒體的互動(dòng)上有待加強(qiáng)。中國(guó)智庫(kù)研究成果豐富,但有國(guó)際影響力的專(zhuān)家數(shù)量仍顯不足。本文提出,中國(guó)智庫(kù)需要?jiǎng)?chuàng)新國(guó)際議程設(shè)置機(jī)制,在專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域打造一批明星專(zhuān)家,不僅要設(shè)置中國(guó)議程,也要為國(guó)際社會(huì)提供公共知識(shí)產(chǎn)品,要完善議程設(shè)置機(jī)制,通過(guò)會(huì)議和活動(dòng)、研究報(bào)告、著作、論文、媒體發(fā)布等多元方式提升國(guó)際影響力。
What kind of operation mechanism can enhance the ability of Chinese think tanks in international agenda setting? Taking the issue of the South China Sea as a case,the paper does a comparative study on how the think tanks of China,the US,Philippines,and Vietnam have set the agenda on the issue in the past six years. The study finds that China's think tanks have made the voice of China heard,but their coordination with the government lagged behind those of the other three countries,with only a small number of"revolving door"experts which are lower-ranking; China has held quite a number of international conferences,but more efforts should be made in conference planning and interaction with international media;while Chinese think tanks have achieved fruitful research results,the number of experts with international influences remains insufficient. The paper argues that China's think tanks need to innovate the mechanism of international agenda setting and foster a group of well-known experts in professional fields. They should not only set the Chinese agenda but also provide the international community with public products. Meanwhile,China should improve its international influences through multiple measures such as holding conferences and activities,publishing research reports,books and papers,as well as releasing diversified information in mass media.

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