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中國科技論壇 頁數(shù): 7 2018-11-05
摘要: 智庫的目標(biāo)是影響政策過程和引領(lǐng)公眾輿論,最終服務(wù)科學(xué)民主依法決策,其實質(zhì)是"基于政策過程對決策者和利益相關(guān)者產(chǎn)生知識擴散效果"。文章以政策過程理論為指導(dǎo),在剖析智庫功能特征的基礎(chǔ)上,構(gòu)建了智庫參與政策過程的影響力模型;在政策過程分析理論基礎(chǔ)上提出了議題提出、形成建議、政策制定、政策實施和政策評估五個政策階段,建立了智庫參與不同政策過程的影響力分析框架,系統(tǒng)分析了不同階段的智庫影響力作用機制。
The objectives of think tanks are to affect the policy making and to guide the public opinion. Ultimately they serve the scientific,democratic and lawful process of policy making,and essentially they are the knowledge diffusion effect for policy makers and interest groups,based on the policy making process. Directed by the policy process theory,and based on the analysis on the characteristics of think tanks' functions,this paper constructs the influence model for think tanks attending the policy processes. Applying the analysis theory for the policy process,we propose five policy processes,i. e. issue proposing,proposal forming,policy making,policy executing and policy evaluating. We build the analytic framework for the think tanks' influence,and theoretically study their influence mechanisms in each different policy process.

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