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管理科學學報 頁數: 15 2018-11-15
摘要: 在信息化、智能化程度日益發(fā)達的社會環(huán)境中,參與者之間的信息交互與社會行為開始顯著影響整個運作管理系統.而隨著與運作管理息息相關的社會經濟活動的日益革新,社會互動行為和社會因素的影響正在得到廣泛的關注,逐漸形成了一個新興研究領域——社會化運作管理.社會化運作管理是指考慮人的社會性特征及社會影響因素的運作管理.本文從社會互動、社會價值觀多元化及新經濟形態(tài)的發(fā)展三個方面分析了運作管理中社會化現象產生的原因及影響,闡明了研究和發(fā)展社會化運作管理的必要性和迫切性,繼而剖析了社會化運作管理的實現途徑.在此基礎上,本文從社會學習、社會比較及社會影響等方面對社會化運作管理的理論研究進行了評述,同時從社會化商務和共享經濟角度對應用研究進行了分析,并結合最新研究成果提出未來可行的研究方向.
In the social environment characterized by increasingly developed information technologies and intelligence,social interactions and social behavior have great impacts on the whole operations management system. With the innovation of social economic activities,the impacts of social interactions and social factors attract much attention. The social operations management is becoming a increasingly hot research field. Social operations management refers to the operations management that takes social interactions and social factors into consideration. By analyzing the causes and the impacts of socialization from the perspectives of social interaction,the diversity of social values,and the development of new business models,this paper elaborates the necessity and the urgency of social operations management. After that,the main means to realize socialization are analyzed in detail. Furthermore,this paper reviews the related literature on theoretical research from the following three streams: social learning,social comparison and social effect; the application analysis includes the social businesses and the sharing economy. Finally,some future research directions are proposed according to the latest research.

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