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數(shù)量經濟技術經濟研究 頁數(shù): 17 2018-11-05
摘要: 研究目標:我國服務業(yè)發(fā)展的區(qū)域差異及收斂性。研究方法:運用2006~2016年我國30個省份的面板數(shù)據,構建服務業(yè)發(fā)展指數(shù)模型,然后建立空間計量模型考察服務業(yè)收斂性。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):我國服務業(yè)發(fā)展水平總體呈上升趨勢,但也存在較大區(qū)域差異;我國服務業(yè)并沒有呈現(xiàn)顯著的σ收斂,但絕對β收斂和條件β收斂顯著。研究創(chuàng)新:運用服務業(yè)發(fā)展指數(shù)這一綜合指標進行收斂性分析,并采用空間自回歸模型(SAR)和空間誤差模型(SEM),將空間因素對收斂性的影響考慮在內。研究價值:有利于縮小區(qū)域服務業(yè)發(fā)展差異,實現(xiàn)經濟均衡發(fā)展。
Research Objectives:This paper is to discover the regional differences and convergence of service industries in China.Research Methods:Using the panel data of 30 provinces in China during 2006~2016,this paper builds service development index model,and then establishes spatial econometric model to examine the spatial convergence of service industries in each province.Research Findings:The development level of China's service industry is generally on the rise,but the regional differences is increasing.Although there is no significantσconvergence in China's service industry,there exits significantly absolute and conditionalβconvergence.Research Innovations:This paper uses the comprehensive index of the service industry development index for spatial convergence analysis,and uses spatial autoregressive(SAR)and spatial error model(SEM),takes into account the influence of spatial factors on convergence.Research Value:It will narrow the differences in regional service industry development and ultimately achieve balanced economic development.

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