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西南大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(自然科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 9 2018-11-20
摘要: 以重慶主城九區(qū)為研究對(duì)象,運(yùn)用大眾點(diǎn)評(píng)網(wǎng)、藝龍網(wǎng)、高德地圖等網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源數(shù)據(jù),借助ArcGIS,GeoDa空間分析軟件定量分析跨國餐廳的分布特征.跨國餐廳作為一種生活方式的"符號(hào)",空間可接近和品質(zhì)生活追求是影響其分布的重要因素.以軌道交通站點(diǎn)為核心的城市商務(wù)中心是跨國餐廳集聚的極核,渝北區(qū)、江北區(qū)、渝中區(qū)是跨國餐廳梯級(jí)分布的極核區(qū)域.商業(yè)綜合體等級(jí)及商圈規(guī)模直接影響著跨國餐廳的空間分布,是造成跨國餐廳不均衡分布的主要影響要素.高星級(jí)酒店、高校和旅游目的地是跨國餐廳空間布局的主要節(jié)點(diǎn).整體上,重慶主城的跨國餐廳呈現(xiàn)分散化、破碎化的空間形態(tài),空間自相關(guān)度不高.重慶主城特殊的山地城市空間形態(tài)塑造了破碎化、組團(tuán)式的人文要素分布格局,這是重慶跨國餐廳空間分布不同于其他東南沿海城市和平原城市的重要特征.
Based on the data collected from Dianping.com,Elong.com,Amap.com and some other web resources,aquantitative analysis is made of the spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants in the nine districts of the central urban area of Chongqing with the help of the spatial analysis softwares Arcgis and GeoDa.As restaurants serve as a reflection of modern lifestyle,their distribution is mainly affected by their spatial accessibility and people's pursuit of a better life quality.The CBDs(Central Business Districts)with the rail transit stations as the center are the core of the geographical agglomeration of the transnational restaurants,and Yubei district,Jiangbei district and Yuzhong district are the core areas of the transnational restaurants.The spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants is directly affected by the level of the complexes and the size of the commercial areas,which are the main factors for the uneven distribution of the transnational restaurants.High-star hotels,tourism destinations and universities are the main nodes of the spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants.Generally,the transnational restaurants of Chongqing city show a spatial morphology of decentralization and fragmentation,and the degrees of spatial autocorrelation are not high.The unique urban spatial morphology of the central urban area of Chongqing results in a fragmental and clustered distribution of its humanity elements and,therefore,the spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants in Chongqing is quite different from that in cities of the eastern coastal areas and the plain areas of China.

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