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中國(guó)健康教育 頁數(shù): 4 2018-11-06 14:53
摘要: 目的了解重慶市居民體育健康服務(wù)產(chǎn)品消費(fèi)意愿及影響其需求的因素。方法采用多階段分層隨機(jī)抽樣方法抽取重慶市9個(gè)區(qū)縣的990名15~69歲常住人口進(jìn)行問卷調(diào)查。使用X~2檢驗(yàn)和Logistic回歸模型,分析居民體育健康服務(wù)產(chǎn)品消費(fèi)意愿及其影響因素。結(jié)果 68. 2%的調(diào)查對(duì)象具有消費(fèi)體育健康服務(wù)產(chǎn)品意愿。89. 7%的消費(fèi)者每月可接受的體育健康服務(wù)產(chǎn)品費(fèi)用支出在500元以內(nèi)?;貧w分析顯示,以未婚為參照,已婚居民消費(fèi)意愿高(OR=1. 639, 95%CI:1.110~2.420);以在業(yè)為參照,離退休(OR=0.199, 95%CI:0.094~0.418)和在校學(xué)生(OR=0.337, 95%CI:0.147~0.771)消費(fèi)意愿較低;以月均收入3000元以下者為參照,月均收入為3000~5000元(OR=2.756,95%CI:1.422~5.341)、5000~7000元(OR=2.440,95%CI:0.416~4. 572)消費(fèi)意愿高;以沒有患有慢病為參照,患慢病者消費(fèi)意愿高(OR=1. 773, 95%CI:1.128~2. 787);以最近1年患病3次及以上者為參照,患病0次的消費(fèi)意愿低(OR=1.886,95%CI:1.234~2. 880)。結(jié)論重慶市居民體育健康服務(wù)產(chǎn)品消費(fèi)意愿較高,體育健康服務(wù)市場(chǎng)發(fā)展?jié)摿^大。
Objective To understand consuming willingness of physical health services and the influencing factors among residents in Chongqing City. Methods A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to survey 990 objects who were 15 to 69 years residents population of Chongqing, chi-square test and logistic regression was used to analyze consumption willingness of residents for physical health services and its influencing factors. Results 68. 2% of the respondents had the willingness to consume sports health services. 89. 7% of the consumer's monthly expenses for sports health services were within 500 yuan. Logistic regression analysis showed that marriage status, employment status, monthly income,chronic disease, and the illness frequency in the last year were the main factors affecting the willingness of sports health service products( P < 0. 05). Compared with the unmarried, the level of willingness of married to consume was higher(OR= 1.639,95% CI: 1. 110-2.420). For retired and students, compared with the employment the level of willingness of retired(OR= 0.199, 95% CI: 0.094-0.418) and students(OR =0.337, 95% CI: 0.147-0.771) was lower. Compared to average monthly income of 3000 yuan and below, the level of willingness to consume of 3000-5000 yuan(OR =2.756, 95% CI: 1.422-5.341) and 5000-7000 yuan(OR=2.440, 95% CI: 0.416-4.572) was higher. Taking the absence of chronic disease as a reference, people with chronic diseases had a high willingness to consume(OR = 1. 773, 95% CI: 1. 128-2. 787). For those who had been ill 3 times in the last year, the willingness of illness 0 time to consume was lower( OR = 1. 886, 95% CI: 1. 234-2. 880). Conclusion Residents ' willingness to consume sports health service products is high, and the development potential of sports health service market is great.

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