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旅游學刊 頁數(shù): 10 2018-12-06
摘要: 構(gòu)建DEA-Malmquist模型,利用2001-2015年我國星級酒店數(shù)據(jù)(1),系統(tǒng)地分析我國星級酒店全要素生產(chǎn)率(total factor productivity, TFP)狀況及其時空特征;構(gòu)建動態(tài)面板模型,利用系統(tǒng)廣義距估計法(SYS-GMM)分析了TFP影響因素及其作用機理。得出如下結(jié)論:整體看,我國星級酒店在研究期內(nèi)TFP雖有時序波動,但總體上處于上升趨勢,TFP的增長主要依靠技術(shù)進步推動,粗放式發(fā)展特征明顯;從省域尺度看,大部分省域星級酒店歷年TFP亦為正增長,我國不同省域星級酒店TFP指數(shù)呈現(xiàn)了空間分布不均衡的特征;通過對酒店自身因素和環(huán)境條件分析,信息化、產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚、旅游業(yè)發(fā)展、對外開放、城市化和人力資本對TFP均為正向推動作用,資本投入和房地產(chǎn)市場發(fā)展則為負向作用,但其作用機理并不一致,其中,城市化和信息化的正向作用最為突出,而資本投入則負向作用明顯。
The star-hotel industry is an important part of China's residential reception industry, which has served as an important industrial base within the Chinese tourism industry. This has led to the continued investment boom in the star-hotel industry, driven by the interests of the parties that have brought about this rapid development. However, the development scale and speed cannot keep pace with quality and efficiency, which constrains sustainable development of China's star hotels. Systematic study of the efficiency of star hotels is greatly needed to improve the industry's extensive development.Against this backdrop, this article systematically constructs a DEA-Malmquist model to explore the total factor productivity(TFP) and spatial and temporal characteristics of these hotels, taking data on hotels in30 provinces in mainland China from 2001 to 2015. A measurement model of dynamic panel data is constructed and a SYS-GMM method is used for further analyzing the influential factors and their mechanisms. The results show that the TFP of China's star hotels generally increased during the period examined, and at a relatively low growth rate. The growth was mainly driven by technical progress rather the technical efficiency. The growth of technical efficiency is unremarkable, which makes it difficult for the technical progress to boost TFP growth. Taken from the standpoint of provinces, the TFP of star hotels in most provinces also showed positive growth over the examined period. The TFP indices of star-rated hotels in different provinces showed characteristics of uneven spatial distribution. There are different reasons behind the differences among provinces. Through analysis of the hotels' own factors and environmental conditions, it is found that informatization, industrial agglomeration, tourism development, the nation's Open Door policy, urbanization, and human capital have positive effects on TFP; while capital investment and real estate market development have negative effects. However, the mechanisms of action are not consistent; the positive impacts of urbanization and information technology are most prominent, and capital investment has a clearly negative effect.Results of analysis indicate slow growth of TFP and obvious extensive development characteristics in China's star hotels. To promote healthy, sustainable development of these hotels, there is urgent need to examine how to use favorable factors to change star hotel management and operation, and adjust and optimize the hotels' regional and other functions, to achieve intensive development. Changes and other efforts therefore need to be made from the two aspects of explicit factors and implicit factors, in accordance with the research results concerning influencing factors. Judging from the dominant factors,star-rated hotel enterprises should strongly emphasize the positive influence of TFP, such as in informatization and human capital. Meanwhile, investment in hotels can not only pursue scale, but also place importance on improvement of technological innovation and technical efficiency. From the perspective of implicit factors, there is urgent need to effectively regulate the real estate market development. At the same time, the government should formulate scientifically oriented regional and industrial policies in combination with the new urbanization process and supply-side structural reforms.The government also needs to place importance on the positive role of hotel-level TFP, such as in improving and optimizing urbanization, tourism development, industrial agglomeration, opening up, and other regional environmental factors.

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