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南京社會科學 頁數(shù): 8 2018-10-15
摘要: 中國特色新型智庫建設是推動國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化的重要路徑。新型智庫的傳播能力建設評價是智庫建設的重要內(nèi)容。構建一個科學合理的新型智庫傳播力評價體系,一方面有助于提升新型智庫傳播效果評價的科學性,另一方面有助于完善智庫評價理論與方法。本文基于文獻調(diào)研和專家訪談構建新型智庫傳播力評價體系,然后利用CTTI數(shù)據(jù)以及問卷數(shù)據(jù)對指標體系進行了實證研究,實證結果證明了本文構建的智庫傳播力評價指標體系具有較高的針對性與可靠性。
The construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics is an important way to promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity. The evaluation of the communication capacity of new think tanks is an important part of the construction of think tanks. On the one hand,to build a scientific and reasonable evaluation system for the communication of new think tank is helpful to promote the scientific evaluation of the communication effect of new think tanks. On the other hand,it can improve the theory and method of think tank evaluation.Based on literature research and expert interviews,this paper constructs a new evaluation system for the communication capability of think tank,and then uses the CTTI data and questionnaire data to conduct an empirical study of the index system. The empirical results prove that the evaluation index system of think tank communication capacity in this paper has high pertinence and reliability.

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