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南京社會科學(xué) 頁數(shù): 8 2018-10-15
摘要: 自20世紀(jì)80年代來以來,國外學(xué)者對中國智庫進(jìn)行了長期深入的研究,為我們認(rèn)識中國智庫的獨特發(fā)展道路提供了新的視角。改革開放以來,尤其是習(xí)近平總書記提出建設(shè)"中國特色新型智庫"以來,中國智庫取得了巨大的發(fā)展成就。但是國外學(xué)者卻長期認(rèn)為與政府之間的密切關(guān)系損害了中國智庫的"獨立性",是智庫發(fā)展的最大障礙。西方語境中的"獨立性"并不適用于轉(zhuǎn)型國家,中國智庫繁榮與發(fā)展的動力主要源于中國政策分析專家研究水平的提高,政策問題復(fù)雜化帶來的決策體制科學(xué)化、民主化和法治化發(fā)展,以及智庫在中國國際關(guān)系中的獨特作用。
The Rise of China's Think tanks has attracted increasingly more attention from international scholars since the 1980 s. Their studies have provided a different perspective for us to understand the distinct developmental path of think tanks in China. China's think tanks have made great achievements since the reform and opening up,especially since General Secretary Xi Jinping called for new type of think tanks with Chinese characteristics in 2013. But foreign scholars have long believed that the close relationship with the government has been the main obstacle on the development of China's think tanks. However,the notion that a think tank must be "independent"is not necessarily accepted by developing and transitional countries. The driving forces of the rise of Chinese think tanks mainly come from three aspects: the remarkable increase and professionalization of China's policy analysts,the scientization,democratization and legalization of the decision-making system led by the increasingly complex policy issues,as well as the distinct role of think tanks in China's international relations.

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