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情報(bào)雜志 頁數(shù): 8 2018-09-04 15:17
摘要: [目的/意義]提升智庫影響力的最直接、最有效的方法就是要提高智庫整體產(chǎn)品影響力,而采取何種策略整合智庫相關(guān)資源、能力、活動(dòng)以提升智庫整體產(chǎn)品影響力則是一個(gè)關(guān)鍵問題。[方法/過程]通過文獻(xiàn)研究法分析了智庫整體產(chǎn)品概念及構(gòu)成,智庫整體產(chǎn)品可分為核心產(chǎn)品、形式產(chǎn)品、附加產(chǎn)品、心理產(chǎn)品4個(gè)層次。在此基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合美國(guó)智庫整體產(chǎn)品成功運(yùn)作實(shí)踐,研究智庫整體產(chǎn)品影響力提升策略。[結(jié)果/結(jié)論]智庫產(chǎn)品具有整體性,由不同層次的產(chǎn)品構(gòu)成,需要采取不同的影響力提升策略。智庫應(yīng)以一體化創(chuàng)新策略為導(dǎo)向,并針對(duì)每一層次產(chǎn)品,分別采取細(xì)分市場(chǎng)策略、全面形式策略、全面服務(wù)策略、整體品牌策略,以提升智庫整體產(chǎn)品影響力,進(jìn)而提升智庫影響力。中國(guó)智庫應(yīng)在觀念上形成智庫整體產(chǎn)品影響力提升理念,進(jìn)行多層次產(chǎn)品的影響力提升策略創(chuàng)新,才能有效地提升影響力。
[Purpose/Significance]Lifting the influence of the whole product of think tanks is the most direct and effective way to lift the think tank influence. The key point to achieve this goal is what kind of tactics to take to integrate the related resource,abilities,activities of think tanks to lift the influence of the whole product of them.[Method/Process]Using literature research method,this paper analyzes the concept and structure of the whole product of think tanks,which consists of four level products,including core product,form product,additional product,and psychological product. Based on the analysis,and combined with the practice of the successful operation of the whole product of American think tanks,the paper studies the tactics of lifting the influence of the whole product of think tanks.[Result/Conclusion]With the nature of integrity,the products of think tanks are made of different levels of products requiring different influencelifting tactics. With the integration-oriented innovative tactics,think tanks should respectively take market dividing tactics,full form tactics,total service tactics,and the whole brand tactics according to each level product to lift the influence of the whole product of the think tanks,thus at last lift the influence of the think tanks. Chinese think tanks should adopt the idea of lifting the influence of the whole product,take innovative tactics to lift the influence of the multi-layer products to effectively lift their influence,and will witness great progress.

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