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情報雜志 頁數(shù): 7 2018-08-30 13:48
摘要: [目的/意義]評價體系對智庫建設(shè)和發(fā)展具有重要引領(lǐng)作用。打造適合中國國情的智庫評價體系是助力新型智庫建設(shè),增強(qiáng)智庫國際話語權(quán)的重要途徑。[方法/過程]從評價理論的演進(jìn)歷程引申出智庫評價的功能定位,提出智庫評價體系具有"整容鏡""啟明星"與"指揮棒""聽診器"的功能。之后,通過收集比較中國數(shù)十個較有影響的評價項目,發(fā)現(xiàn)中國智庫評價呈現(xiàn)工具創(chuàng)新與價值回歸的意識。同時,中國智庫評價也面臨著評價主體權(quán)威化,評價路徑科學(xué)化,評價結(jié)果社會化的三大困境。[結(jié)果/結(jié)論]謹(jǐn)防智庫評價淪為官僚主義產(chǎn)物或被商業(yè)利益裹挾。將智庫評價打造為利益相關(guān)者之間持續(xù)溝通,價值共建的互動過程。
[Purpose/Significance]The evaluation system plays a guiding role in the construction of newthink tanks with Chinese characteristics. Building adapted think tank evaluation system gelps to strength international discourse power of Chinese think tanks.[Method/Process]From the evolution of evaluation theory,it leads to the function orientation of think tank evaluation. The think tank evaluation system functions as " mirror" " enlightening star" " baton" and " stethoscope". Then,by comparing a number of influential evaluation projects,the study found that there is consciousness of instrumental rationality and regression to intrinsic value. Meanwhile,think tank evaluation system is confronted with three dilemmas: authority of the evaluator,scientification of the evaluating path,and socialization of the evaluate outcome.[Result/Conclusion]We should prevent the think tank evaluation becoming bureaucratic products or being mingled with commercial interests,It is urgent to build think tank evaluation system into an interactive process of continuous communication and value co-construction among stakeholders.

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