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工業(yè)工程與管理 頁數(shù): 8 2018-10-10
摘要: 針對O2O外賣配送預(yù)計送達(dá)時間決策模式選擇問題,根據(jù)決策主體不同構(gòu)建三個模型:外賣平臺與第三方配送機(jī)構(gòu)合作,分別由外賣平臺決策預(yù)計送達(dá)時間(模型1)和第三方配送機(jī)構(gòu)決策預(yù)計送達(dá)時間(模型2);外賣平臺自營配送(模型3)。當(dāng)平臺與第三方配送機(jī)構(gòu)合作時,二者所選擇的最優(yōu)預(yù)計送達(dá)時間的差異在一定范圍內(nèi),二者模式選擇一致。若三種情景中最優(yōu)預(yù)計送達(dá)時間相同,模型3的總利潤最高,而模型1的總利潤最低。
The aim is to solve the problem of selecting the decision-making model of estimated delivery time in O2O food delivery by three models based on different decision makers:O2O platform cooperates with a third party delivery agency and the platform(Model 1)or the third party delivery agency(Model 2)decides the estimated delivery time;the platform self-delivery(Model 3).In Model 1 and Model 2,when the difference of the optimal estimated delivery time is in a certain range,the platform and the third party delivery agency choose the same model.If the decisions of estimated delivery time in the three models are the same,Model 3 achieves the highest total profit,and Model 1 achieves the lowest total profit.

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