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中國數字醫(yī)學 頁數: 3 2010-07-15
摘要: "十一五"以來,南京軍區(qū)堅持"四個面向"、構建"四種模式",大力推進軍區(qū)所屬醫(yī)院數字化建設與創(chuàng)新發(fā)展,顯著提升了"四種能力",即:面向戰(zhàn)場保打贏,創(chuàng)新基于電子傷票的醫(yī)療后送模式,著力提升從平時向戰(zhàn)時延伸的多樣化保障能力;面向基層強服務,創(chuàng)新基于電子健康檔案的網絡醫(yī)學服務模式,著力提升從院內向院外拓展的區(qū)域化防治能力;面向臨床促質量,創(chuàng)新基于電子病歷的數字醫(yī)療模式,著力提升從分散到集成轉變的智能化診療能力;面向管理增績效,創(chuàng)新基于數據中心的績效管理模式,著力提升從粗放到集約轉型的精細化管控能力。
Since the "11th Five-Year Plan",Nanjing Military Region has been insisting on "Four Facings",constructing "Four Modes" ,greatly accelerating the digital construction and innovative development of hospitals affiliated with the military region,and obviously enhancing "Four Capabilities" ,which refers to:facing the battlefield to make hospital sustainable develop,create the medical evacuation mode based on the electronic medical tag,and focus on elevating the varied support capability from normal time to wartime;facing the grass-roots unit to strengthen service,create the network medical service mode based on the electronic health file,and focus on elevating the regional capability of prevention and control in and out hospital;facing the clinic to promote quality,create the digital medical mode based on the electronic medical records,and focus on elevating the intelligent consulting capability from separation to integration; facing the management to increase performance,create the performance management mode based on the data center, and focus on elevating the fine management and control capability transformed from extension to intensivism.

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