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軍醫(yī)進修學院學報 頁數(shù): 2 2007-04-28
摘要: 目的:研究中國空軍殲擊機飛行員高脂血癥患病率及特點,以便采取防治措施。方法:對入院體檢的800名男性殲擊機飛行員測定空腹血脂水平。參照我國“血脂異常防治建議”對結(jié)果進行分析。結(jié)果:本組飛行員高脂血癥患病率為57.00%。其中高TG血癥占23.75%;高TC血癥占17.13%;低HDL-C血癥占10.13%;混合型高脂血癥占6.00%。結(jié)論:空軍殲擊機飛行員高脂血癥的患病率高于一般人群,應(yīng)加強對該病癥的預防和治療。
Objective:To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of hyperlipidemia in air force fighter pilots. Methods:Eight hundreds air force fighter pilots served as subjects. Blood lipid data were analyzed based on "Principles for the Prevention of Dyslipemia of China" in this group of subjects. Results:High prevalence of hyperlipidemia (57.00%) was found as follows:hypertriglyceridemia 23.75%; hypercholesterolimia 17.13%; low high density lipoprotein (HDL-C)10.13%;mixed type 6.00%. Conclusion:As the incidence of hyperlipidemia in air force fighter pilots is much higher than that of general population, the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia must be enhanced in air force flying unit.

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